Day One, Art Start
- Retrieve Sketchbook
- Find A writing utensil
- Examples: pen, pencil, colored pencil
- Write Name and Hour on Blue Paper
- Read Blue Paper (Find Out about Henri Rousseau)
Lesson Activities:
- Art Station Expectations
- Review the Different Art Stations
- I-Pad Station
- Video Station
- Henri Rousseau Research Station
- Building a Landscape Station
- Art Style Station
Exit Ticket: What did you learn about Henri Rousseau today?
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Sketchbook
2. Find a writing utensil
- Examples: pen, pencil, colored pencil
Lesson Activities:
1. Review Art Station Expections2. Review the Different Art Stations
- I-Pad Station
- Video Station
- Henri Rousseau Research Station
- Building a Landscape Station
- Art Style Station
Exit Ticket: What did you learn about Henri Rousseau today?
- What did you learn about landscape paintings today?
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve your Sketchbook
2. Get out your reference materials
- Examples: pictures, magazine clippings, smart device images
Lesson Activities:
1. Take out other reference material and cut out things you want to put on the landscape
- Examples: animals, balloons, planes, plants
- Four to Six Reference Pictures (sky; ground-base; animal or figure)
2. Photomontage Demonstration
3.Retrieve additional resources at different stations
3.Retrieve additional resources at different stations
- Example: pictures, magazines, devices
4. Glue cut out images onto the photo resource image where you want them
5. Place photo resource image in your art journal
Day Four, Art Start
1. Retrieve your sketchbook2. Retrieve photo resource image
3. Pull out smart device
Lesson Activities
1. Finish cutting and gluing photomontage resources2. Retrieve Ipad or Smart Device
3. Photo Editing Demonstration
- Examples:contrast, brightness, saturation
- SAVE and EMAIL image to yourself
Day Five, Art Start
1. Retrieve Sketchbook2. Retrieve Photo Resource Image
Lesson Activities
1.Landscape Painting: Format and Drawing Tips Video2. Use Tracing Paper to draw an outline of your landscape
- Practice drawing photo resource image in sketchbook
- 4X - 4 boxes to edges
3. Approval for painting resources and planning resources
- Transfer sketches to canvas
- Use pencils provided when transferring