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Saturday, November 23, 2019


Bridget Riley Op Art

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Bridget Riley Op Art using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use neutral colors (grey, black, white), shape (geometric, organic), and space (positive, negative) inspired by English Painter (1931-Present) Bridget Riley
  • Use optical effects (flashing, swelling, warping) and design principles (movement, rhythm, variation) based on Op Art
  • Define Optical Illusion ( a picture or drawing that deceives ones' visual perception) 

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Hesitate (1964) Bridget Riley

2. Read Embodied Visions: Bridget Riley, Op Art, and the Sixties by France Follin
3. Discussion Questions "How does the brain process what the eye beholds? Where have you seen an optical illusion in your everyday life? When you change the shape or pattern what happens to the illusion? Does your art fool the eye or make them dizzy? Did you change the pattern each time you created a new shape? Can you continue to see momentary after images (white dots) that cause a slight flickering effect? Have you seen an optical illusion before?"

Lesson Activities 

1. Choose 12" by 15" Drawing Paper
2. Use graphite pencil to draw geometric shapes (circle, heart, square) in the middle of the drawing paper
3. Add line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, arched) to the geometric shapes (circle, heart, square) of the drawing

  • Initials & Home Teacher on Back of Paper

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Bridget Riley Op Art for Assigned Table
2. Movement In Squares (1961) Bridget Riley

3. Discussion Questions "Which square is darker? Are the two colors the same color? Which part of the picture is darker left or right? How can the man go up all the time and come back to the same place over and over? What do you see? What word do you see? What do you see? How many deer can you see in the picture? How many horses can you see in the picture? What do you see? What can you see in the picture above?"

Lesson Activities

1. Extend line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, arched) outside of the geometric shapes (circle, heart, square) of the drawing
2. Add short segments to geometric shapes (circle, heart, square) to make the look of three-dimensional instead of two-dimensional art 
3. Add shadows (cast shadow, mid tones, shadow) to the positive/negative space of the Op Art

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Bridget Riley Op Art for Assigned Table
2. Set up Studio Area (pencils, erasers, rulers, compass)

Lesson Activities

1. Fill in the positive space (geometric shapes) with neutral colors (grey, black, white) of the optical illusions
2. Fill in the negative space (background) with neutral colors (grey, black, white) of the optical illusions
3. Add highlights (reflective light, casting light, light source) to positive/negative space of Op Art

Artist Examples

Student Examples