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Thursday, April 30, 2020


Ancient Greek Pottery

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Ancient Greek Pottery using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use earth tones (red, brown, black), line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), and shape variation (rectangle, oval, circle) inspired by Red Figures and Black Figures
  • Use computer techniques (dragging, cropping, transferring) and design principles (balance, composition, repetition) based on 3rd Century Art
  • Define Greek Key Ornaments (a geometrical ornament consisting of horizontal and vertical lines joined together at angles)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Neck Amphora Decorated with Animals (720 B.C) Unknown
2. Read Ancient Greek Pottery by Michael Vickers
3. Discussion Questions "What were the arts like in Ancient Greece? Did the Greeks have any other arts? What kind of architecture did the Greeks give us? What were the Greek Olympics? How often were the Olympic competitions held? Where did the competitions take place? What did the winner of the Olympics earn? what did the Greeks wear? How did the Greeks wear their hair? Did the Mycenaeans leave written records? How do we know what happened during the Greek Age? Who were the storytellers and why were they important? What is a fable? What is a myth? What is a legend? What are some of the Greek oral histories? What were some of the Greek magical beings? What is an oracle? Where is Greece located? How did the Greeks spread their culture?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper
2. Trace three Pottery Shapes (Hydria, Amphora, Albaston, Chous, Chytra, Kantharos, Krater, Kylix, Lekanis) onto drawing paper for Greek Pottery Art
3. Outline three Greek Pottery Shapes (Hydria, Amphora, Krater) with black sharpie for Greek Pottery Art

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Ancient Greek Pottery to Assigned Tables
2. Red Figure Amphora With Musical Scenes (460-450 B.C) Niobid Painter
3. Discussion Questions "What were Archaic Period sculptures of women called? What was a common features of sculptures from the Archaic Period? During what period did Greek artists begin to sculpture people in more relaxed poses and action scenes? Which of the following was a style of column used in Greek architecture? What type of art are the Ancient Greeks most known for? Why did so few Greek paintings survive? On what type of art did some Greek Paintings survive? What do art historians call the unique style of Greek art developed during the Classical Period? During what period was Greek art influenced by the many cultures conquered by Alexander the Great? Where the artists of the European Renaissance inspired by Ancient Greeks?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use earth tones (brown, red, orange, black) to fill in positive space of three vases for Greek Pottery Art
2. Use earth tones (brown, red, orange, black) to fill in negative space of three vases for Greek Pottery Art
3. Add decorations (meanders, flowers, spirals) to positive space of three vases for Greek Pottery Art

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Ancient Greek Pottery to Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (tooth picks, black paint, glue sticks)

Lesson Activities 

1. Add designs (animals, plants, people, flowers, triangles, spirals, mythical creatures) to fill in the positive space of three vases for Greek Pottery Art
2. Add designs (animals, plants, people, flowers, triangles, spirals mythical creatures) to fill in the negative space of three vases for Greek Pottery Art
3. Add pottery parts (lip, neck, shoulder, body, foot) to fill in the positive space of the three vases for Greek Pottery Art

Artist Examples

Student Examples