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Wednesday, August 30, 2023


 Adobe Chalk Landscapes

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Adobe Chalk Landscapes using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use color combinations (analogous, secondary, intermediate), shape variation (geometric, organic, free form), and value (lightness, darkness, tints, shades) inspired by American Artist (1909-2000) William Lumpkins
  • Use perspective techniques (vanishing points, illusion of depth, three dimensional shapes) and design principles (proportion, alignment, contrast) based on Transcendental Painting Group
  • Define Adobe (a building material made from earth and organic materials)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Early Snow (1970) William Lumpkins

2. Read If You Live With The Hopi by Anne Kamma

3. Discussion Questions "What does the Awatovi pueblo reveal about the history of the Hopi nation? What do you notice about these homes (wigwam, cabin, tent, apartment, brick house, adobe home, wood house, grass house)? What do you think it would be like on the inside? Do any of these homes look like your house? What is architecture? What is the difference between adobe and pueblo houses? What is a pueblo? What is the environment like in the Mesa Verge region? How do we learn about the past? What is the meaning behind an adobe house? What are elements and design principles were used to make this architecture? What do you think about this architecture?"

Lesson Activities

1.  Use three dimensional shapes (rectangle, square, triangle) to create the positive space (foreground) of the adobe house drawings

2.  Add house details (porch, roof, pillars, ladders) to the roof, levels, and foundation of the adobe house drawings

3. Outline adobe house drawings with a neutral color (black, brown grey, white) for the negative space (background) of the Adobe Chalk Landscapes

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Adobe Chalk Landscapes for Assigned Tables

2. Pueblo Architecture And Modern Adobes: The Residential Designs Of William Lumpkins by Joseph Traugott 

3. Discussion Questions "What do you see in this picture? What do you see in this house? What do you think William Lumpkins meant when creating this artwork? Does your picture have space or distance? Does your picture have an horizon line, one point perspective, or background? How can we create the illusion of depth within our own Adobe Chalk Landscapes? What do you think this artwork represents? Why are you drawn to this subject? What do you think was the most important artist tool when creating this work? What connection did the artist have to this work? Does this artwork represent something about the artist?"

Lesson Activities

1. Add finishing details (porch, roof, pillars) to the roof, levels, and foundation of the Adobe Chalk Landscapes

2. Finish an outline using line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) for the positive space (house) of the adobe house drawings 

3. Add motifs (tiny windows, trees, ladders) and patterns (stripes, swirls, circles) for the Adobe Chalk Landscapes 

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Adobe Chalk Landscapes for Assigned Tables

2. Set Up Studio Area (oil pastels, chalk, erasers, pencils) 

Lesson Activities

1. Finish adding motifs (hidden faces, tiny windows, colorful spirals) and patterns (stripes, swirls, circles) for the Adobe Chalk Landscapes 

2. Add color combinations (analogous, complementary, secondary) to the positive space (house) of the adobe house drawings 

3. Add value (lightness, darkness, highlights, shadows) to the positive space (house) of the Adobe Chalk Landscapes 

Artist Examples

Student Examples