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Wednesday, September 20, 2023


 Great Coral Reef Paintings

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Great Coral Reef Paintings using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), shape variation (geometric, organic, free form), and texture (actual, implied, visual) inspired by Australian Artist (1993-Present) Des Spencer
  • Use painting techniques (layering, underpainting, dry brush, blending) and design principles (gradation, proportion, composition) based on Contemporary Art
  • Define Seascape (a picture or view of an expansive sea)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Friendship Between Frog And Fish (2016) Des Spencer

2. Read Hidden In The Sea by Peggy Mille

3. Discussion Questions "What is a coral reef? What are the various types of life found in each? How does the water quality differ? Where are saltwater bodies found on Earth? Where is fresh water found? Do you like the beautiful colors and marine life of a coral reef? Did you know that corals are white? Where are the coral reefs? What is the difference between soft and hard coral? What is the difference between a fringing reef, a barrier reef, and an atoll? Where is fifteen precent of the world's coral reef located in the sea? what is the name of the largest barrier reef in the world that is located off the eastern coast of Australia? What coral reef creatures do you find most interesting?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use observational drawing techniques (composition, light source, reflective light) to draw the basic shapes (waves, trees, sun rays) of the seascape paintings

2. Add basic shapes (triangles, circles, rectangles) to add details (stars, plants, fish, animals) to the positive space (foreground) of the seascape paintings

3. Add decorative details (border, glitter, embellishments) to the positive space (foreground) of the Great Coral Reef Paintings

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Great Coral Reef Paintings for Assigned Tables

2. Schools Out (2015) Des Spencer

3. Discussion Questions "What is happening in this artwork? What was your first reaction to this artwork? Does your opinion about the artwork change the longer you look at it? How does your eye move through the artwork? What do you think of the warm and cool colors? What words and associations do you have for each group? How would you play with warm and cool colors in the artwork? What design will you create? What adjectives would you use to describe this painting? How do you think this artwork was made? What emotions do you feel when looking at this? How do you think the artist was feeling when he created this artwork? How did the artist use line, shape, and color to contribute to the mood or meaning? What emotions do you notice in the artwork? What is the story being told, if any?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use color combinations (analogous, secondary, primary) to fill in the positive space (foreground) of the seascape paintings

2. Use color combinations (analogous, secondary, primary) to fill in the negative space (background) of the seascape paintings

3. Add intricate embellishments to the decorative details (border, glitter, stars) of the positive space (foreground) of the Great Coral Reef Paintings

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Great Coral Reef Paintings for Assigned Tables

2. Set Up Studio Area (tempera paint, paint brushes, water bucket)  

Lesson Activities

1. Add highlights (reflective light, light source) to the positive space (foreground) of the seascape paintings

2. Add shadows (cast shadow, reflective shadow) to the negative space (background) of the seascape paintings

3. Add high contrast (shaded areas, reflective areas) to the positive space (foreground) and negative space (background) of the Great Coral Reef Paintings

Artist Examples

Student Examples