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Thursday, August 22, 2024


 Matisse Vegetable Cut Outs

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Matisse Vegetable Cut Outs using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), space (positive, negative), and texture (actual, visual, implied) inspired by French Artist (1869-1954) Henri Matisse
  • Use shape variation (geometric, organic, free form) and design principles (composition, variation, proportion) based on Fauvism
  • Define Cut Outs (a piece of paper that is cut, arranged, or shaped into different shapes)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Vegetables (1951) Henri Matisse

2. Read Henri's Scissors by Jeanette Winter

3. Discussion Questions "What colors do you see? What do these shapes remind you of? Do you see any lines in this work of art? What words would you use to describe the lines? Where do we see these colors and shapes in nature? How do you think Henri Matisse might have made this? What tools could he have used? How do you think the size of the scissors Matisse used affected the artwork he created? Do you think Matisse drew on the paper first before he cut the shapes out? Do you think Matisse had a plan in his head when he picked up colored paper and scissors? Could you tell that the artist was old from the energy of his work? How big would you like to work? What do you think Matisse would have said when looking at your artwork?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12 X 15 Painting Paper

2. Use ruler to draw three line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) for the positive space (vegetables, fruits) of the vegetable collages

3. Use oil pastels to add patterns (swirls, dots, stripes) to the negative space (background) of the Matisse Vegetable Cut Outs

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Matisse Vegetable Cut Outs for Assigned Tables

2. Still Life With Vegetables (1905) Henri Matisse 

3. Discussion Questions "How does collage change when layering multiple shapes on top of each other? Can you create your own Matisse inspired artwork with a collage of cut out pieces? How does Henry Matisse's artwork make you feel? How would this picture make you feel if bright colors were used instead? Who is Henri Matisse? Do you like the look of this painting? How many different patterns do you see? How many of the patterns are variations on bold vertical stripes? Do his picture make you feel happy? What processes or techniques did Matisse use to create his artwork?" 

Lesson Activities

1.  Add details (circles, squares, rectangles) to the negative space (background) of the vegetable collages

2. Add details (circles, squares, rectangles) to the positive space (foreground) of the vegetable collages

3.  Use collage materials (scissors, glue sticks, construction paper) to add patterns (swirls, dots, stripes) to the Matisse Vegetable Cut Outs 

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Matisse Vegetable Cut Outs for Assigned Tables

2. Set Up Studio Area (glue sticks, scissors, painted paper, construction paper)

Lesson Activities

1. Use tissue paper to add plants (leaves, flowers, lilacs) within the negative space (background) of the vegetable collages

2. Use four color palette (red orange yellow green) to fill in the positive space (foreground) of the vegetable collages

3. Use four color palette (red orange yellow green) to fill in the negative space (background) of the Matisse Vegetable Cut Outs 

Artist Examples
Student Examples