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Wednesday, September 17, 2014


The Wingless Lady & Her Pixie Dust

Learning Targets:

I can...
  • Create a pinch pot using techniques learned in class
  • Use form (geometric or organic), texture (rough or smooth), and line (vertical or horizontal) to sculpt a magical cauldron 
  • Write a folktale reflecting and discussing meaning within ones finished artwork
      • Define the Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Danann (Stone, Spear, Sword, Cauldron)

Lesson One 

Day One, Art Start

  1. Retrieve Art Journal from Storage Cubby
  2. Choose ONE Folktale from Table Tuatha De Danann Cities Folktales
  3. Underline ALL adjectives (descriptive words) 
    • examples: golden, charming, heroic 
     4. Write down words on second or third lined Art Journal Page

Lesson Activities:

  1. Irish Celtic Mythology Presentation: What are the Four Treasures of Tuatha De DanannIrish Celtic Prezi Presentation Prezi Presentation Presenter Notes
  2. Group Activity: "My Precious..." Game
Bring in an Object that MEANS something to you:
    • examples: photographs, printed pictures, tangible objects 

Day Two, Art Start

  1. Retrieve Sketchbook 
  2. FIND ink paintings
  3. Place ink paintings in Storage Cubby (finish artwork next week Friday) 
  4. Retrieve a Wooden Tray
  • Initials and Hour on Top of Wooden Tray

Lesson Activities: 

  1. Group Activity: What Does This Mean? Discussion
  2. Visual Aid Teacher Example  
  3. Create THREE thumbnail (planning) Sketches Easter Island Head Thumbnails Example
  4. Cutting Clay Demonstration- Cutting & Wrapping Clay  
  5. Clay Procedures Clay Procedures Wall Poster
Extra Time: 
  • Sample Objects: Playing with Clay  

Day Three, Art Start

  1. Retrieve Sketchbook & Clay on Wooden Trays 
  2. Set up work area
  3. Share thumbnail (planning) sketches with a Partner 
  4. Write Down ONE positive comment

Lesson Activities: 

  1. Review Assignment Objectives First Lesson Objectives Wall Poster
  2. Pinch Pot Demonstration:  Forming a Magical Cauldron 
      3. Studio Day: Creating Basic Form of Magical Cauldrons  

Day Four, Art Start

  1. Retrieve Magical Cauldron from assigned Shelf
  2. Set Up work area 

Lesson Activities: 

  1. Pinch Pot Demonstration: Hollowing Out Clay 
  2. Studio Day: Continue Making Basic Form of Magical Cauldron  
  3. Review The Four Treasures of Tuatha De Dana
  4. Want To Know More? 

    • The Four Treasures : This link has an excellent summary of the four treasures and interesting art history facts.
    • Symbolism: Irish Culture : Having Trouble coming up with meaning for a work of art? Check out this link! Excellent pictures and descriptions!

Day Five, Art Start 

  1. Retrieve Sketchbook
  2. Retrieve Magical Cauldron from assigned Shelf
  3. Set Up work area 
  4. Read the Five Point Column of the Project Rubric 
  5. Write down ONE aspect from craftsmanship, decoration, OR elements of art column that was done well 

Lesson Activities: 

  1. Review Project Rubric Project Rubric
  2. Pinch Pot Demonstration: Adding Necks, Handles, and Footers
  3. INCLUDE: A Hidden Message or Secret Compartment 
  4. Studio Day: Adding Necks, Handles or Footers to Magical Cauldrons 

Day Six, Art Start

  1. Retrieve Sketchbooks 
  2. Read the Highlighted Folktale Response
  3. Write down writing expectation that is most important 

Lesson Activities: 

  1. Folktale Writing Discussion Folktale Writing Rubric  
    • Share with a Table Mate 
  • Ten line story that features a person and describes an object
  • Use the term form (geometric or organic) to describe the cauldron or magical object
  • Must have a start, middle, and end 
  1. Retrieve Magical Cauldron from assigned shelf 
  2. Set Up work area 
  3. Pinch Pot Demonstration: Adding Texture to Magical Cauldron 
  4. Studio Day: Adding texture to Magical Cauldron 

Day Seven, Art Start 

  1. Retrieve Magical Cauldron from assigned shelf
  2. Set Up work area 

Lesson Activities: 

  1. Decorative Technique Demonstration: Adding a horizontal or vertical design
      • Draw a template (reusable drawing) and trace (copy) image onto ceramic piece
      • Use different lines to create picture going up and down; side to side 
  2. Studio Day: Adding Horizontal or Vertical Lines 

Day Eight, Art Start 

  1. Retrieve Magical Cauldron from assigned shelf
  2. Set Up work area 

Lesson Activities:

Studio Day: Finish adding horizontal or vertical lines 
  • Include Initials and Hour on back of artwork
  • Smooth and Remove burrs (loose clay)

Day Nine, Art Start 

  1. Retrieve Magical Cauldron from assigned shelf
  2. Set Up work area 

Lesson Activities:

Decoration Technique Demonstration: Glazing Ceramic Cauldrons
Studio Day: Glaze Ceramic Magical Cauldrons  

Day Ten, Art Start

  1. Retrieve Magical Cauldron from assigned shelf
  2. Set Up work area
  3. Finish glazing ceramic cauldrons 

Lesson Activities:

  1. Have Art Journal open to Folktale
  2. Gallery Walk
  3. Rubric Self-Assessment
  4. Turn in Ceramic Magical Cauldrons 
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." -Roald Dahl (British Novelist writer of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 

Middle School Student Examples