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Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Ceramic Lesson: The Glass Mountains of the North
Learning Targets:

I can:
  •       Create a soft or hard slab building using techniques learned in class
  •        Use contrast (light or dark), repetition (same or different), and balance (symmetrical or asymmetrical) to carve a structural building
  •       Write a folktale reflecting and discussing meaning within ones finished artwork
    •   Define the Nine Worlds (Asgard, Alfheim, Jotunheim, Niflheim, Vanaheim, Muspelheim, Midgard, Svartalfheim, Heihelm)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
  1.      Retrieve Art Journal from Storage Cubby
  2.      Choose ONE Landscape Template from table
  3.      Draw YOUR dream house
    •        Examples: Log Cabin, Glass House, Rocky Cave
  4.     Write down two descriptive words about the building on an Art Journal Page 
Lesson Activities:

Exit Ticket:

  1.      Write down THREE adjectives (descriptive words) of your building:
      •    Examples: rocky, cold, blue 

Day Two, Art Start
  1.          Retrieve Sketchbook 
  2.      Find Color Value Exercise
  3.      Place Color Value Exercise(s) in Cubby 

Lesson Activities: 

  1. Natural Disaster Group Activity 
  2. Finish THREE thumbnail (planning sketches)
  3. STUDIO: Practice Working With Clay
  4. Clean Up Demonstration: Washing Tables & Chairs

-Initials and Hour on Top of Wooden Tray

Lesson Activities:
  1. Self-Evaluation of Rubric
  2. Gallery Walk of Backwards Portraits 
  3. Visual Aid Teacher Example
  4.  Finish THREE thumbnail (planning) Sketches
  5.  Cutting Clay Demonstration: Cutting & Wrapping Clay
  6.  Clean Up Clay Procedures

Extra Time:
-Sample Objects: Playing with Clay 

Day Three, Art Start
  1.       Retrieve Sketchbook 
  2.      Retrieve Finished Work from Round Table 
  3.             Set Up Clay Procedure Set Up Work Area
  4.       Share thumbnail (planning) sketches with elbow partner
  5.       Write down ONE positive comment in partners art journal

Lesson Activities:
  1.       Review Assignment Objectives
  2.       Soft or Hard Slab Demonstration: Cutting out FIVE clay slabs
  3.       Studio Day: Creating Basic Walls and Base of Structural Building
  1. Reminders:
  2. -Initials and Hour on Top of Wooden Tray

Day Four, Art Start
  1.           Discuss with Partner steps for Getting & Putting Away of Clay 
  2.       Retrieve Structural Building from assigned shelf
  3.       Set Up Work Area

Lesson Activities:
  1.        Soft or Hard Slab Demonstration: Creating Basic Shape of Structural Building
  2.        Studio Day: Continue Making Walls of the Structural Building
  3.        Review The Nine Worlds of Norse Mythology
        Include Initials and Hour on base of artwork

Want to Know More?

Viking Mythology: This link gives a brief overview of some of the best aspects of Norse Mythology including locations, creatures, and tales of the Secret Folk.

Timeless Myths: Scandinavian Norse Mythology Summary: This link is an educational website that includes a detailed overview of some of the most popular folklore in history.

Norse Myths: This link is completely dedicated to the Norse Mythology with interesting tales and beautiful illustrations to accompany ones thirst for knowledge.

Day Five, Art Start
  1.      Retrieve Sketchbook
  2.      Retrieve Structural Building from assigned shelf
  3.       Set Up Work Area
  4.        Read the Five Point Column of the Project Rubric
  5.       Write down ONE aspect from the project rubric done well

Lesson Activities:
  1.       Review Project Rubric
  2.       Soft or Hard Slab Demonstration: Adding a Roofs, Doors, and Windows 
  3.       INCLUDE: Cutting Out Additions or Adding Texture
  4.        Studio Day: Adding Roofs, Doors, and Windows

Day Six, Art Start

  1. Retrieve Structural Building
  2. Review with  Partner "How To..." make attachments

Lesson Activities:

  1. Retrieve Structural Building from Assigned Shelf 
  2. Studio Day: Finish Basic Shape/Attachments of Buildings 

Day Six, Art Start
  1.      Retrieve Sketchbook
  2.      Retrieve Structural Building from assigned shelf 
  3.    Write Down Ten Words to Describe your Structural Building 
Lesson Activities:
  1.      Folktale Writing Statement

  •       Share with Elbow Mate
  •  Ten line story that describes the giant house you are creating 
  •  Use the term proportion (part or size of something) to describe the structural building
  •  Must have a start, middle, and end

     Day Seven, Art Start

  1. Retrieve Structural Building from assigned self     
  2. Set Up Work Area
                          Reminder: Clay Pieces must be Finished Friday

     Lesson Activities 

  1.      Soft or Hard Slab Demonstration: Adding Texture to Structural Building
  2.       Studio Day: Adding Texture to Structural Building

Day Six, Art Start

1. Retrieve Sketchbook
2. Retrieve Structural Building
3. Write A Story about your Giant House (5 pts.)

Lesson Activities

1. Finishing Demonstration: Smoothing Clay Houses
2. Studio Day: Add Attachments/Smooth Clay House

Day Seven, Art Start
  1.      Retrieve Structural Building from assigned shelf
  2.       Set Up Work Area

Lesson Activities:
  1.       Soft or Hard Slab Demonstration: Finish Structural Building to be Kiln READY
  2.        Studio Day: Finish Texture, Remove Burrs, and Smooth Additions to Structural Building

Day Eight, Art Start

  1.      Retrieve Structural Building from assigned shelf
  2.        Set Up Work Area

Lesson Activities:

  1.         Soft or Hard Slab Demonstration: Glazing Ceramic Building
  2.      Studio Day: Glaze Ceramic Buildings

Day Nine, Art Start

  1. Retrieve Sketchbook     
  2. Retrieve Bisque Ware Clay Piece from counter
  3.       Draw & Color a picture of how your Clay Piece will be glazed 

Lesson Activities:
  1.       Studio Day: Finish Glazing Ceramic Buildings



  • Hold lid tightly when shaking glaze
  • 3 coats of glaze on all surfaces except bottom
  • Wipe Bottom free of all glaze
  • Use Dark Colors on top of Lighter Colors
  • Place piece on shelf in kiln room when Fire Ready

Day Ten, Art Start
  1.      Retrieve Sketchbook
  2.       Retrieve Structural Building

Lesson Activities:
  1.       Open Art Journal to Folktale
  2.       Gallery Walk
  3.       Rubric Self-Assessment
  4.        Turn in Ceramic Structural Building