Welcome to our Online Art Classroom! This website shows everything happening in the art room! The students love hearing how fun, creative, and beautiful their masterpieces are! Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Sunsets & Silhouettes

Learning Objectives: 
  • Create a photomontage (collage) of who you believe the model might be.
  • DAY ONE: Create a Background (sky, mountain, forest)
  • DAY TWO: Create a Silhouette Figure (place on top of background)

Day One: 

Art Start:

1. Retrieve Sketchbook
2. What do you think the word PHYSIOGNOMY means? Explain why. (5 mins)

Lesson Activities:

1. Group Discussion: Should we judge people by ones outer appearances? Is it ever appropriate to judge someone by their outer appearance? Yes OR No. (10 mins)

  Famous Surrealist Artists: Salvador Dali, Frida Kahlo, Rene Magritte

3. Demonstration: Creating a Surrealist Background (10 mins)

Step-By Step Pictures


Day Two: 

Art Start:

1. Retrieve Sketchbook
2. Finish Background of Photomontage (Collage) (10 mins)

Lesson Activities:

  1. Read Creating Surreal Figures pg 14-15 
  2. Group Discussion: What similarities or differences do you notice between your work and the surrealists (artists) you learned about? (5 mins)              

      Current Local Artist: Erin Case Silhouette Artist

3. Demonstration: Cutting Out a Silhouette (5 mins)

    Step-By-Step Pictures: 


4. 5.


                  Student Examples 

4. Clean Up (10 mins)

Lesson Expectations: 

Substitute Expectations:

-Remain in Seat
-Use "cafe" voice (quiet voice)
-Listen to Instructions
-Clean Up

Artwork Expectations:

Background (Day One): 

-NO Paper Showing
-MUST have Background (sky), Middle ground (mountains, rocks),
Foreground (animals, objects)
-Include an Object (Example: clock, crutch, drawer) 
-Take Your Time! Clean Cuts!

Figure (Day Two): 

-Cut Around the Figure
-NO Skin Showing (Landscape)
-Take your Time!
-Due End of Hour