Sunsets & Silhouettes
Learning Objectives:
- Create a photomontage (collage) of who you believe the model might be.
- DAY ONE: Create a Background (sky, mountain, forest)
- DAY TWO: Create a Silhouette Figure (place on top of background)
Day One:
Art Start:
1. Retrieve Sketchbook2. What do you think the word PHYSIOGNOMY means? Explain why. (5 mins)
Lesson Activities:
1. Group Discussion: Should we judge people by ones outer appearances? Is it ever appropriate to judge someone by their outer appearance? Yes OR No. (10 mins)Famous Surrealist Artists: Salvador Dali, Frida Kahlo, Rene Magritte
3. Demonstration: Creating a Surrealist Background (10 mins)
Step-By Step Pictures

Day Two:
Art Start:
1. Retrieve Sketchbook2. Finish Background of Photomontage (Collage) (10 mins)
Lesson Activities:
- Read Creating Surreal Figures pg 14-15
- Group Discussion: What similarities or differences do you notice between your work and the surrealists (artists) you learned about? (5 mins)
Current Local Artist: Erin Case Silhouette Artist
3. Demonstration: Cutting Out a Silhouette (5 mins)Step-By-Step Pictures:
Student Examples
4. Clean Up (10 mins)
Lesson Expectations:
Substitute Expectations:
-Remain in Seat-Use "cafe" voice (quiet voice)
-Listen to Instructions
-Clean Up
Artwork Expectations:
Background (Day One):
-NO Paper Showing
-MUST have Background (sky), Middle ground (mountains, rocks),
Foreground (animals, objects)
Foreground (animals, objects)
-Include an Object (Example: clock, crutch, drawer)
-Take Your Time! Clean Cuts!
Figure (Day Two):
-Cut Around the Figure
-NO Skin Showing (Landscape)
-Take your Time!-Due End of Hour