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Saturday, January 13, 2018


Gustav Klimt Portraits 

Learning Targets

 I can...
  • Create a Gustav Klimt Portrait using mixed media techniques learned in class
  • Use line variation (waves, swirls, curves), metallic colors (bronze, silver, gold), and space (positive, negative)
  • Use design principles (movement, emphasis, rhythm) relating to Austrian Symbolist Painter (1862-1918) Gustav Klimt
  • Define Emphasis (focal point of an image or when an area of one things stands out)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. The Kiss (1907-1908) Gustav Klimt
2. Read "Guvstav Klimt and His Cat" by Bernice Capatti
3. Famous Artist Quote

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" by 15" Black Tagboard 
2. Choose different postures (face angles, body tilt, hair falling) from fashion magazines
3. Cut Out selected model and remove background from fashion magazines


  • Initials & Home Teacher on Back of Paper

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Gustav Klimt Portrait for Assigned Table
2. Reference "An Art Nouveau Visionary: Gustav Klimt" by Eva Di Stefano

3. Emphasis- focal point of an image or when an area of one thing stands out. Where do your eyes start when you look at Austrian Symbolist Painter Gustav Klimt's works? What else can you see in his artwork? What colors, shapes, and lines do you see in his masterpieces?

Lesson Activities

1. Trace Model Cut Out onto the Black Tagboard
2. Cut Out & Glue Down the selected model parts (face, arms, torso, head, figure) to tagboard
3. Use metallic gold paint/markers to mimic "Golden Phase" of Gustav Klimt

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Gustav Klimt Portraits for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (metallic markers, glue sticks, scissors)

Lesson Activities  

1. Use metallic gold paint/markers to draw clothing, blankets, and fabric for model clippings
2. Use metallic gold paint/markers to draw background designs for portraits
3 .Add golden embellishments to Gustav Klimt Portraits

Artist Examples