Blue Dog Drawings
Learning Targets
I can...- Create a Blue Dog Drawing using drawing techniques (observational, guided lines) learned in class
- Use primary colors (red yellow blue), texture (soft, bumpy), and space (positive negative) relating to Why Is The Blue Dog Blue by George Rodrique
- Make language arts connections (interactive picture book, basic planning, personal reference) and design principles (variation, composition, unity) inspired by Children Book Illustrations
- Define Primary (three colors red yellow blue mixed to make all other colors)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
2. Read Why Is Blue Dog Blue by George Rodrique
3. Discussion Questions "What color is the dog? What did the big blue dog say? Why is the blue dog blue? Are you blue dog's friend? What is fun or interesting about seeing the same thing? Why do you think he is here? Where did he come from? Where do you think he is going?"
2. Use pencil to draw animal parts (mouth ears eyes legs) of ones own blue dog
2. Use Black Sharpie Marker to outline Blue Dog Drawings
Lesson Activities
1. Choose 12" by 15" White Paper2. Use pencil to draw animal parts (mouth ears eyes legs) of ones own blue dog
2. Use Black Sharpie Marker to outline Blue Dog Drawings
- Initials & Home Teacher on Back of Paper
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Blue Dog Drawing for Assigned Table
2. Mini Documentaries "Blue Dog" Loup Garou George Rodrigue
3. Primary- three colors (red yellow blue) mixed to make all other colors. "George Rodrigue is an American Artist who was inspired by a Cajun Legend Loup-Garou when creating his mid-1990s Blue Dog Paintings. The George Rodrigue Foundation of the Arts (GRFA) is a non-profit organization advocating the importance of visual arts in children's development. These art educational programs support general curriculums, teacher training, scholarship art contests, and donating art supplies to schools."
Lesson Activities
1. Add additional accessories (clothing, background, hats) to the Blue Dog Drawings
2. Use Black Sharpie Marker to outline additional accessories (clothing, background, hats)
3. Use whimsical colors (salmon mustard avocado chocolate apricot) to fill in the positive space
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve Blue Dog Drawing for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (oil pastels, colored pencils, erasers)
Lesson Activities
1. Use whimsical colors (salmond mustard avocado chocolate apricot) to fill in the negative space
2. Use blending tools (clothe, fabric, tortillion) to smooth whimsical colors of Blue Dog Drawings
3. Add patterns (stripes, polka dots, lace) to additional accessories (clothing, hats, ribbons)