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Saturday, December 1, 2018


Jasper Johns Inspired Names

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create a Jasper Johns Inspired Name using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use line variation (thick, thin), color types (primary, secondary, tertiary) and texture (implied, smooth, shiny) inspired by American Modernist (1892-1964) Stuart Davis and American Painter (1930-Present) Jasper Johns 
  • Use design principles (variation, composition, balance) based on Abstract Expressionism
  • Define Direction (line leading to a place or point)

Lesson OneDay One, Art Start

1. Numbers In Color (1959) Jasper Johns
2. Read Where Is Jasper Johns by Debra Pearlman
3. Reflective Discussion "Jasper John did not take any formal art classes but he knew he wanted to be an artist. After returning from the war, Johns began to experiment with the popular artistic style called Abstract Expression. Johns painted objects that everyone could recognize including flags, numbers, targets, and maps. He created more then just paintings but a message about finding new meaning in the things we see hundreds of times but ignore." 

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" by 15" Drawing Paper
2. Use Letter Stencils to make language arts connections (names, words, alphabet) for Jasper Johns Inspired Name
3. Use metallic colors (gold, silver, copper) to outline language arts connections (names, words, alphabet) of Jasper John Inspired Names


  • Initials & Home Teacher on Back of Paper

Day Two, Art Start 

1. Retrieve Jasper Johns Inspired Name for Assigned Table
2. 0-9 Typography Complimentary Color Graphic Rendering (1930) Jasper Johns
3. Discussion Questions "What lines or shapes do you see in the letters of your name? What letters are straight or curved? What shapes can you make with letters? Will you choose to write a name or a letter for your artwork?"  

Lesson Activities

1. Use primary colors (red blue yellow) to fill in the positive space (letters, words, alphabet) of the Jasper Johns Inspired Names
2.  Use secondary colors (orange, purple, green) to fill in the negative space (background) of the Jasper Johns Inspired Names
3. Use primary colors (red blue yellow) and secondary colors (orange purple green) to add a border around the Jasper Johns Inspired Names 

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Jasper Johns Inspired Name for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (chalk pastels, eraser, pencils) 

Lesson Activities

1. Add white pastel for highlights in the positive space (letters, words, alphabet) of the Jasper Johns Inspired Names
2. Add black pastel for shadows in the negative space (background) of the Jasper Johns Inspired Names
3. Add finishing details (outline, thick/thin lines) to all parts of the Jasper Johns Inspired Names

Artist Examples

Student Examples