Spin Art Kandinsky
Learning Targets
I can...- Create an original Spin Art Kandinsky using painting techniques learned in class
- Use relational size (small, medium, large), geometric shapes (circles, ovals) and primary/secondary colors (red, yellow, blue; green, purple, orange) inspired by Barb Rosenstock
- Apply synesthesia (emotional quality, recognition skills, scientific themes) and color theory (color psychology, mixing combinations, inventive responses) to Abstract Works
- Define Synesthesia (colors evoke sounds and sounds evoke color)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
1. Squares with Concentric Circles (1913) Vasily Kandinsky2. Read The Noisy Paint Box The Colors & Sounds of Kandinsky's Abstract Art by Barb Rosenstock
3. Discussion Questions "Do you think the artist was happy, sad, angry, or surprised when this artwork was made? How would you feel about color if Darth Vader's costume was pink instead of black? What colors are dominant in Vasily Kandinsky's paintings? What is your response to his artwork? What is the relationship between music and art within your paintings? Which aspects of their subjects' lives have you chosen to highlight? Did you focus on the childhood or adult life of the artist? How are the artists' mentors, inspirations, commitments, and styles presented? Are they reproductions of actual works or illustrators' representations?"
Lesson Activities
1. Choose 12" by 15" Painting Paper for Assigned Table2. Use three primary/secondary colors (red, yellow, blue; green, orange, purple) to represent an emotion (sad, happy, mad)
3. Listen to instrumental music on Pandora Radio to help with understanding color theory (color psychology, mixing combinations, inventive responses) for paintings
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Spin Art Kandinsky for Assigned Table2. Several Circles (1926) Wassily Kandinsky
3. Discussion Questions "What feelings do you associated with which colors? How did Wassily Kandinsky's parents help him to love music? Which art form interested Wassily Kandinsky as much as painting? Which Austrian composer had a large influence on the paintings of Wassily Kandinsky? In comparing art to music, Kandinsky once said color was what? What did Kandinsky calm he saw when listening to a good piece of music? In his paintings, Wassily Kandinsky worked to link color and what? When you listen to the tone or emotion of this music what do you feel?"
Lesson Activities
1. Add three geometric shapes (circle, oval, square) to help express one emotion (happy, sad, angry) within the paintings2. Listen to instrumental music on Pandora Radio to help with choosing Design Principles (composition, arrangement, variation) of paintings
3. Use oil pastels to trace the three geometric shapes (oval, circle, square) of the Spin Art Kandinsky
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve Spin Art Kandinsky for Assigned Table2. Set Up Studio Area (paintbrushes, water bucket, paper towel)
Lesson Activities
1. Use tempera paint to trace the three geometric shapes (oval, circle, square) of the Spin Art Kandinsky2. Add three different lines (diagonal, vertical, horizontal) to help add visual interest to ones abstract painting
3. Use colored pencil to fill up the positive space/negative space of their Spin Art Kandinsky