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Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Christopher Marley Inspired Symmetrical Designs

Learning Targets

I can...
  • Create an original Christopher Marley Inspired Symmetrical Design using computer techniques learned in class
  • Use metallic colors (bronze, silver, gold), texture types (smooth, bumpy, rough), and form (two dimensional, three dimensional) inspired by American Artist (1969-Present) Christopher Marley
  • Use mathematical connections (dividing sections, concentric circles, linear symmetry) and design principles (balance, composition, contrast) based on Expressive Art
  • Define Radial Design (a design that includes any lines, shapes, or colors that starts in the center and radiates outwards in a circular way)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Caternarius Prism (2020) Christopher Marley
2. Exquisite Creatures: The Art of Christopher Marley by Christopher Marley
3. Discussion Questions "How long have meditative art forms been around? How did Monks start making Mandalas? How did the artist create his own design? How can we use a computer to create our symmetrical mandalas? What colors or shading should be used with the Mandalas? How can Mandalas appear more three dimensional in design? What does integration mean to you, personally, internally? What does the relationship between the art and artist look like to you? How might you incorporate these techniques and theories you are learning as an artist? How does our work, as an artist, affect the collective? How do we individually impact the whole of human culture? What title would you give your Mandala? What were your thoughts as you were working on your Mandala? As you are reflecting on your Mandala, were there any surprises? Do these colors represent or symbolize anything for you? Is there anything you would like to add, delete, or change?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use bug template to trace simple/compound shapes of insects for symmetrical designs
2. Use a black sharpie marker to outline simple/compound shapes of insects for symmetrical designs
3. Use metallic colors (bronze, silver, gold) to fill in the negative space (background) of the Christopher Marley Inspired Symmetrical Designs

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Christopher Marley Inspired Symmetrical Designs for Assigned Table
2. Lambert Prism (2019) Christopher Marley
3. Reflective Discussion "A mandala is a devotional, sacred sand painting done by Buddhist Monks of Tibet. The monks use millions of grains of brightly colored sand to create this sand painting. The ceremony of creating a mandala takes nine days. The mandala represents the world in its divine form. It also represents a "map" by which the minds of people can be transformed from ordinary into enlightenment. After the mandala is finished, the monks who created it, destroy it. The destruction of the mandala is important to the ceremony because the destruction of the mandala symbolizes the impermanence of life."

Lesson Activities

1. Use metallic colors (bronze, silver, gold) to fill in the positive space (insects) of the symmetrical designs
2. Use tools (dotting styluses, dowels, erasers, toothpicks, nails, sewing pins) to add patterns (swirls, dots, stripes) to positive space (insects) of the symmetrical designs 
3. Use neutral colors (white, black, grey) to add contrast to positive space (insects) of the Christopher Marley Inspired Symmetrical Designs 

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Christopher Marley Inspired Symmetrical Designs for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (metallic paint, hot glue, ruler, pencil)

Lesson Activities

1. Use drawing techniques (blending, contrast, shading) to add details to the positive space (insects) of the symmetrical designs 
2. Use drawing techniques (blending, contrast, shading) to add details to the negative space (background) of the symmetrical designs 
3. Add design details (border, scenery, typography) to negative space (background) of the symmetrical designs 

Artist Examples

Student Examples