Wycinanki Evergreen Tree Cut Outs
Learning Targets
I can...
- Create an original Wycinanki Evergreen Tree Cut Out using drawing techniques learned in class
- Use symbolic colors (black white green blue yellow brown), shape variation (geometric organic free form) and space (positive negative) inspired by Polish Folk Art
- Use paper techniques (folding cutting origami) and design principles (composition balance repetition) based on 19th Century Art Movements
- Define Wycinanki (polish word for paper cut designs involving symmetrical cutting and layering paper)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
1. Polish Paper Cut Outs (1985) Stan Ostoja Kotkowski
2. Read The International Designs Library: Polish Wycinanki Designs by Frances Drwal
3. Discussion Questions "Where did the art of Wycinanki come from? How has the art of Wycinanki developed? What are some examples of symmetrical designs? What are some examples of asymmetrical designs? How do you think this artwork could have been improved? What were the reasons and motivations for this shift in art making? What was Polish Conceptualism? What was your first reaction to this artwork? Why do you think you had that reaction? Does your opinion about the artwork change the longer you look at it? What do you think this artwork was created for? What title would you give this artwork?"
Lesson Activities
1. Choose 12" by 15" Drawing Paper
2. Draw three thumbnail sketches of paper cut outs using drawing techniques (outline contour continuous) for tree cut outs
3. Add symbols (peacocks, doves, roosters, birds, star-shaped medallions, flowers, holiday themes) to positive space (tree) of Wycinanki Evergreen Tree Cut Outs
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Wycinanki Evergreen Tree Cut Outs for Assigned Table
2. Cut Out From the Lowicz Region (1800-1900) Krystyna Lis
3. Discussion Questions "What is the story being told, if any? What do you think happened before this scene? What do you think happened next? How do you think the artist was feeling when they created this artwork? How did the artist use line, shape, and color to contribute to the mood or meaning? What title would you give this artwork? What symbols do you notice in the artwork? What does this artwork remind you of? What do you personally relate to or connect with this picture? How might you feel differently about the world after looking at this picture? What does this artwork say about the culture in which it was produced? How do you think this artwork was used by the people who made it? What was its function?"
Lesson Activities
1. Use paper techniques (folding cutting layering) to add basic shapes (geometric organic free form) to tree cut outs
2. Use paper techniques (folding cutting layering) to fill in positive space (tree) of the tree cut outs
3. Use paper techniques (folding cutting layering) to add details (peacock, doves, roosters, birds, star-shaped medallions, flowers, holiday themes) to positive space (tree) of Wycinanki Evergreen Tree Cut Outs
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve Wycinanki Evergreen Tree Cut Outs for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (construction paper, scissors, glue sticks)
Lesson Activities
1. Use symbolic colors (white black yellow green brown) to fill in the negative space (background) of tree cut outs
2. Use symbolic colors (white black yellow green brown) to fill in the positive space (tree) of the tree cut outs
3. Add design details (star, snow, doves) to the positive space (tree) of the Wycinanki Evergreen Tree Cut Outs