Animal Track Drawings
Learning Targets
I can...
- Create an original Animal Track Drawing using painting techniques learned in class
- Use line types (horizontal vertical diagonal), shape variation (geometric organic free form) and space (positive negative) inspired by German Painter (1471-1528) Albercht Durer
- Use drawing techniques (contour outline continuous) and design principles (composition variation proportion) based on Renaissance Art
- Define Composition (a arrangement of elements (texture color line) within a work of art)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
1. Young Hare (1502) Albercht Durer
2. Read Life Sized Animal Tracks by John Townseed
3. Discussion Questions "How would you describe the shape of the track? How many toe marks does each track have? Do you see any claw marks in any of the tracks? Do you think this animal was large or small? How is the front track different from the back track? What animal might have made each track? What shape is this track? What kind of paw do you think made this track? What do you think the paw that made this track looks like? What are some animals that you think have this kind of mark? What do you know about this animal? What type of animals live in a forest? How would you describe this track?"
Lesson Activities
1. Choose 12 X 15 Printmaking Paper
2. Use recycled material (foam, sponge, tagboard) to draw animal footprints (deer, bear, fox) as a template for Animal Track Drawings
3. Use scissors to cut out animal footprints (deer bear fox) from recycled material (foam sponge tagboard) for Animal Track Drawings
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Animal Tracks Drawings for Assigned Table
2. Two Squirrels (1492) Albercht Durer
3. Discussion Questions "Did you know that raccoons walk on five toes? Did you know that foxes walk on four toes? Can you guess which animal left which tracks? Can you describe what might have happened between the animals? What animals have been lurking around your farmyard? Who was there? Whose tracks are these? What shape is the track? What animal do you think might have made the track? If you are not sure, what are two or three possible animals? What do the feet look like? What is different about these tracks? What animal do you think made each set? What shape is this track? What part of the track shows the animals claws? How would you describe the shape of the track? Doe the shape of this track remind you of anything? What do you think the foot that made this track looks like? How are these animals tracks the same? How are they different? What is the weather like?"
Lesson Activities
1. Use line types (horizontal vertical diagonal) to add texture (grass mud dirt) to negative space (background) of Animal Track Drawings
2. Use earth tones (brown yellow orange) to fill in the positive space (footprint) of the Animal Track Drawings
2. Use earth tones (brown yellow orange) to fill in the negative space (background) of the Animal Track Drawings
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve Animal Track Drawings for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (sponges tempera paint paint brushes)
Lesson Activities
1. Use printmaking paper to print multiple footprints (deer bear fox) for positive space (footprint) of Animal Track Drawings
2. Add highlights (reflective light light source) to positive space (footprint) of Animal Track Drawings
3. Add shadows (cast shadow shadow) to negative space (background) of Animal Track Drawings