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Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 Moonlit Molens

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Moonlit Molens using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), color schemes (monochromatic, analogous, neutral), and value (tints, shades, hues) inspired by Dutch Painter (1606-1669) Rembrandt
  • Use printmaking techniques (dry point, intaglio, etching) and design principles (composition gradation repetition) based on Dutch Golden Age
  • Define Intaglio (type of printmaking where the image is scratched into the surface of a piece of soft metal like copper or plastic) 

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. The Mill (1645) Rembrandt

2. Read Katie The Windmill Cat by Gretchen Moelfle

3. Discussion Questions "Who was Rembrandt? Have you ever heard of Night Watch? Did you know that Rembrandt was the famous artist that created that masterpiece? Why were his portraits famous? What was Rembrandt's most famous painting? What significance does the name Rembrandt have to the man? Where did Rembrandt attend college? Which was one of his most prominent genres he dabbled in? What is one of Rembrandt's most prominent themes in his artwork, as many of his most famous paintings show? What was it that some scholars have determined Rembrandt being victim too?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose windmill reference photograph for drawings of Moonlit Molens

2. Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to add positive space (windmill) of windmill drawings

3. Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to add negative space (windmill) of windmill drawings

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Moonlit Molens for Assigned Tables

2.  The Windmill (1641) Rembrandt 

3. Discussion Questions "What is a stylus? How do artists use a writing stylus? What do you like about windmills? What do you dislike about windmills? Have you ever seen a windmill? How would you describe a windmill to someone? What would you do if you had your own windmill? What do you like about Rembrandt's work? What do you dislike about Rembrandt's work? What would you change about Rembrandt's work? What does Rembrandt's work remind you of?"

Lesson Activities

1. Draw a light outline of the selected windmill reference onto ones scratchboards

2. Use graphic techniques (engraving, carving, scratching) with a stylus to add highlights (light source, reflective light) to windmill drawings

3. Use graphic techniques (engraving, carving, scratching) with a stylus to add shadows (cast shadow, reflective shadow) to Moonlit Molens

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Moonlit Molens for Assigned Table

2. Set Up Studio Area (stylus, Indian ink, colored pencil)

Lesson Activities

1. Use graphic techniques (engraving, carving, scratching) with a stylus to finish adding details (blades, wooden beams, scenery) to the windmill drawings

2. Add value (lightness, darkness) to the positive space (windmill) of the windmill drawings

3. Add details (wooden beams, scenery, water) using illustrative techniques (hatching, stippling, cross hatching) to final Moonlit Molens

Artist Examples
Student Examples