Marc Chagall Inspired Dreams
Learning Targets
I can...
- Create an original Marc Chagall Inspired Dream using drawing techniques learning in class
- Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), shape variation (geometric, organic, free form), and value (lightness, darkness) inspired by Surrealist Painter (1887-1985) Marc Chagall
- Use painting techniques (overlapping, layering, dry brush) and design principles (composition, proportion, gradation) based on Fantastic Art
- Define Visual Diary (a collection of visual references (notes, collages, photographs, images, diagrams) compiled by an artist)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
1. I And The Village (1991) Marc Chagall
2. Read Through The Window: Views of Marc Chagall's Life And Art by Barb Rosenstock
3. Discussion Questions "What is going on in this painting? What do you see that makes you say that? Is it a real or imaginary place? What elements of this painting seem real and what elements seem dreamlike? What emotions do you notice in the artwork? How did the artist use line, shape, and color to contribute to the mood or meaning? Why do you think the artist created this work? What is the person thinking or dreaming about? What do animals think or dream about? What colors do you see in the painting? why did he use unrealistic colors? What kind of shapes do you see? What other things do you see? Why do you think he painted some people upside down or up in the air? Does the painting remind you of a dream?"
Lesson Activities
1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper
2. Add line types (contour, outline, sketches) to the positive space (people, animals, magical objects) of the dream drawings
3. Outline positive space (animals, people, magical objects) with metallic colors (gold, silver, bronze) of the Marc Chagall Inspired Dreams
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Marc Chagall Inspired Dreams for Assigned Tables
2. Cow With Parasol (1946) Marc Chagall
3. Discussion Questions "How do the fine arts use conflict and harmony to help show emotion? How do we experience conflict and harmony through the different arts disciplines? How do dreams and art evoke emotion? Is there a connection between colors in the visual arts and dreams? What emotions do you feel when you look at these paintings (chaos, conflict, confusion)? What is happening intros painting? Does this painting portray anything in particular? In what ways has the artist been able to translate the idea of conflict through this painting? Can you share examples of dreamlike imagery from our world?"
Lesson Activities
1. Use traditional colors (red, blue, green, white, yellow) to fill in the positive space (people, animals, magical objects) of the dream drawings
2. Use traditional colors (red, blue, green, white, yellow) to fill in the negative space (mountains, scenery, background) of the dream drawings
3. Use metallic colors (gold, silver, bronze) to outline the negative space (mountains, scenery, background) of the Marc Chagall Inspired Dreams
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve Marc Chagall Inspired Dreams for Assigned Tables
2. Set Up Studio Area (pencils, erasers, oil pastels)
Lesson Activities
1. Add highlights (light source, reflective light) to fill in the positive space (people, animals, magical objects) of the dream drawings
2. Add shadows (reflective shadow, cast shadow) to fill in the negative space (mountains, scenery, background) of the dream drawings
3. Add details to the positive space (people, animals, magical objects) of the Marc Chagall Inspired Dreams