Monet Pond Prints
Learning Targets
I can...
- Create an original Monet Pond Prints using collage techniques learned in class
- Use color schemes (cool colors, warm colors, neutral colors), shape variation (geometric, organic, free form), and texture (actual, implied, visual) inspired by French Painter (1840-1926) Claude Monet
- Use printmaking techniques (collagraph, monotype, etching, engraving) and design principles (repetition, balance, movement) based on Impressionism
- Define Scene (the place where a real or imaginary action, event, or artwork occurs)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
1.Water Lily Pond X (1919) Claude Monet
2. Read Ella In The Garden Of Giverny: A Picture Book About Claude Monet by Daniel Fehr
3. Discussion Questions "Who can tel me how Monet captured light in his painting? How will you go about reproducing this effect? What colors dominate the picture? How does the picture make you feel? How would you describe this picture? What is it a picture of? What is the season in the painting? How do you know? What wildlife would you expect to see if you visited this pond? What sounds would the artist hear? What would the artist smell? What does the artist see in this artwork? Which lily pad would you choose to settle on for a while? Where was Monet when he painted this? What colors did he use? How does Monet give the feeling of distance? How does Monet show perspective? Are there any places where there is no paint? Did Monet paint Koi Fish?"
Lesson Activities
1. Choose 12" X 12" Cardboard Circle
2. Use pencil to draw a decorative border (lines, stripes, squares) around the negative space (background) of the pond prints
3. Add scenery (water, ripples, petals, wave) to the negative space (background) of the Monet Pond Prints
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Monet Pond Prints for Assigned Tables
2. Color Plate Of Water Lily Pond (1867) Claude Monet
3. Discussion Questions "Who decides what goes in a museum? Who decides what is good art? How are these two painting styles different? Which paintings have the biggest range in value? What do you see in the shadow colors in the impressionist paintings? Why do you think the impressionist chose to paint that way? How do you like to paint? Have you ever wanted to capture a moment? How do artists create artwork that shows not just how something looks but how something makes them feel? Can you see how Monet has tried to capture light and reflection on the surface of the water by dabs of white paint? Do you think it is strange that he painted such a calm and beautiful picture when there was chaos all around him? Who was Claude Monet?"
Lesson Activities
1. Add flowers (roses, carnations, tulips, lilies, flowers) to the positive space (middle ground) of the pond prints
2. Add shadows (reflective shadow, cast shadow) to the negative space (background) of the pond prints
3. Use black sharpie marker to outline the positive space (foreground) and negative space (background) of the Monet Pond Prints
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve Monet Pond Prints for Assigned Tables
2. Set Up Studio Area (bubble wrap, speed ball ink, brayers, paper)
Lesson Activities
1. Use cool colors (red, orange yellow) to fill in the positive space (foreground) of the pond prints
2. Use cool colors (blue green purple) to fill in the negative space (background) of the pond prints
3. Add highlights (reflective light, light source) and shadows (cast shadow, reflective shadow) with metallic colors (gold, silver, bronze) for the Monet Pond Prints