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Sunday, March 31, 2024


 Famous Artist Clay Busts

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Famous Artist Clay Busts using ceramic techniques learned in class 
  • Use shape variation (geometric, organic, free form), form (two-dimensional, three-dimensional), and texture (actual, implied, visual) based on Classical Era
  • Use hand building techniques (pinching, coiling, slab, building) and design principles (proportion, movement, variation) based on Classical Antiquity
  • Define Bust (a sculpture of the upper part of the human figure including head, neck, and shoulders)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Bust Of Queen Nefertiti (1340 BC) Thutmose

2. Read Making Faces A Guide To Modeling The Head And Face With Clay by Alexander Irvine

3. Discussion Questions "Do you think sculpting marble would be easier of harder than sculpting clay? Who were the greatest old masters in the history of art? Where can you find a list of the best artists in the world? What artwork is the most famous from the modern era? Which art the most famous and popular art movements? Which mediums were used by the first artists of he world to produce their artwork? Who was the first living person to have their art displayed in The Louvre? Which artists are famous for Pop Art? How old is the first known human work of art? Why is it important for artists to show and display their artwork?"

Lesson Activities

1. Turn clay slab into basic shapes (head, shoulder, neck) for the positive space (portrait) of the Famous Artist Clay Busts

2. Use modeling tools to draw features (clothing, jewelry, make up) for the positive space (portrait) of the Famous Artist Clay Busts

3. Add lines for the facial features (nose, eyes, mouth) for the positive space (portrait) of the Famous Artist Clay Busts

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Famous Artist Clay Busts for Assigned Tables 

2. Bust Of Napoleon I (1805) Lorenzo Bartolini

3, Discussion Questions "What is a bust? What is a portrait? What do these ceramic busts say about the artist? Portraits are about more than your appearance because it can show who you are or who you want to be/ If you could turn these photographs and paintings into a sculpture, how would you accomplish that? How can a ceramic portrait help you think about the identity of the famous artist? How can you use close observational skills to feel good about yourself and other people around you? How do artists sculpt portraits? Does the way a person is sitting or standing tell you anything about them? What makes this ceramic bust unique? Do you like the way the artist arranged the sculpture? What does the background and objects in the background tell us about the picture? How does the artist repeat shapes and forms with the ceramic work? Is this sculpture considered abstract or realistic?" 

Lesson Activities 

1. Add lines for proportions (head, neck, shoulders) within silhouette of the Famous Artist Clay Busts

2. Mold clay into basic shapes (oval face, crescent ears, rectangular neck) for the Famous Artist Clay Busts

3. Use needle tools to draw facial features (eyes, nose, mouth) within the silhouette of the Famous Artist Clay Busts

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Famous Artist Clay Bust for Assigned Tables

2. Set Up Studio Area (water bucket, needle tools, rubber mat)

Lesson Activities

1. Add tempera paint to the positive space (head, neck face shoulder) of the Famous Artist Clay Busts

2. Add tempera paint to the negative space (background, clothing) of the Famous Artist Clay Busts

3. Apply Gloss Finish to the facial features, facial proportions, and accessories of the Famous Artist Clay Busts

Artist Examples

Student Examples