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Wednesday, October 2, 2024


 Monster In Closet Collages
Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Monster In Closet Collages using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use shape variation (geometric, organic, free form), complementary colors (red, green; blue, orange; yellow, purple), and texture (actual, implied, visual) inspired by Oregon Art Teacher/Artist (1994-Present) James DeRosso
  • Use collage techniques (overlapping, layering, cropping) and design principles (variation, composition, balance) based on American Art
  • Define Texture (the visual and tactical surface characteristics that add to a work of art)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Mad Max (2017) James DeRosso

2. Read There Is A Nightmare In My Closet by Mercer Mayer

3. Discussion Questions "How many of you have thought you had a monster under your bed or in your closet? What did that monster look like or feel like? What would you do if you heard something in the closet? What shapes do you see in these monsters? What does the outside of your closet door look like? How does the monster look? Does the monster look silly because he is fuzzy? Is the monster scary because he has horns or sharp teeth? What is the name of your monster? How does the monster feel? What does the monster look like or have? What is the monster feeling? How do you know from the illustrations? Can artists or people think different colors go with different feelings? If you were a color right now, what color would you be? How are monsters born from our imagination?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper 

2. Use pencil to add line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to the positive space (monster) of the monster collages

3. Use pencil to add facial features (eyes, nose, mouth) to the positive space (monster) of the Monster In Closet Collages 

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Monster In Closet Collages for Assigned Tables

2. Pet Monster (2017) James DeRosso

3. Discussion Questions "Will your monster by mean, nice, silly, scary or happy? How do you make a scary mouth? What do the eyes on your monster look like? What type of patter will you add onto the monster? Are monsters real? Where do monster live? Will you ever meet a monster in real life? What role do monsters play in various cultures? How are they reflected in various art forms? How have monsters been viewed? What purpose do monsters serve? Why are monsters necessary in real life? How does the monster look? What are some of the things you might do if you were in the same situation? Could this book be a story that someone made up? If you think a monster is near by, what could you do? How many eyes will your monster have? Will your monster have sharp teeth or claws? What color will your monster be?"

Lesson Activities

1. Add adornments (hairstyle, horns, piercings, tattoos) to the positive space (monster) of the monster collages 

2. Add costumes (jewelry, clothing, hats) and details (patterns, stripes, designs) to the positive space (monster) of the monster collages 

3. Use black sharpie marker to add line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to the facial features and facial proportions of the Monster In Closet Collages

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Monster In Closet Collages from Assigned Tables

2. Set Up Studio Area (scissors, glue sticks, oil pastels, cardboard tabs)

Lesson Activities

1. Use neutral colors (black, white, grey) to fill in the positive space (face, nose, shoulder) of the monster collages

2. Use watercolor pencils to fill in the negative space (background) with complementary colors (red, green; blue, orange; yellow, purple) of the monster collages 

3. Use value (lightness, darkness) to add shadows (cast shadow, reflective shadow) and highlights (reflective light, light source) to the Monster In Closet Collages

Artist Examples

Student Examples