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Tuesday, November 12, 2024


 Wrapped Pets In Christmas Lights

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Wrapped Pets In Christmas Lights using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use color combinations (analogous, primary, secondary), shape variation (geometric, organic, free form), and line types (continuous, outline, contour) inspired by Contemporary Japanese Artist (2010-Present) Itsuko Suzuki
  • Use drawing styles (perspective, conceptual, cartoon) and design principles (composition, proportion, variation) based on Contemporary Art
  • Define Meaning Making (the process of interpreting and giving meaning to events, situations, and the world around us)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Friend 012 (2011) Itsuko Suzuki

2. Read I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas: A Christmas Holiday Book by John Rox

3. Discussion Questions "Would you rather have a pet turtle or a pet frog? Who invented the first Christmas tree? Which animals do you think make the best pets? Have you had any pets as a child? What does having a pet help to teach children? Do you wonder why animals are thinking? Which pets should sleep outside at night? Which pets should stay inside at night? Are you allergic to any animals? Do you think people and their pets can communicate? What do you think when you see ad go wearing a sweater or a cat with purple hair? How important is your pet's food? Are you concerned about the quality of food your pet eats? What are some unusual or exotic pets that you have heard of? What do you think of people who rescue animals? Would you buy a pet from a pet store?"

Lesson Activities 

1. Add line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) for the proportions (head, neck, shoulder) of the positive space (animal, foreground, pet) within the holiday drawings 

2. Add basic shapes (oval face, present ears, rectangle neck) for the positive space (animal, foreground, pet) within the holiday drawings 

3. Use neutral colors (black, grey, white) to draw facial features (eyes, nose, mouth) for the positive space (animal, foreground, pet) of the Wrapped Pets In Christmas Lights 

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Wrapped Pets In Christmas Lights for Assigned Tables

2. Friend 013 (2011) Itsuko Suzuki

3. Discussion Questions "How did the artist use color and value to create these paintings? Why do you think the artist decided to paint pets? If you could touch the animal, how would it feel? How does the artist paint texture? Why do you think the artist has work that is considered a portraiture? What do you feel when you look at this painting? Why do you feel this way? What types of environments can your animal be found in? what types of body parts (long trunk, short legs, one fin, flat tail) does your pet have? What type of shelter does your pet live in? How does your animal move around? What type of weather does your pet have? What does the artist hope to convey about this animal through your artwork?" 

Lesson Activities

1. Add facial features (eyes, nose, mouth) within the positive space (animal, foreground, pet) and silhouette of the holiday drawings 

2. Add details (eye sockets, brow bone, moles) to the facial features (eyes, nose, mouth) of the holiday drawings

3. Use color combinations (neutral, black, grey) to smooth out the facial features (eyes, nose, mouth) of the Wrapped Pets In Christmas Lights

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Wrapped Pets In Christmas Lights for Assigned Tables
2. Set Up Studio Area (washable markers, colored pencils, pencils, erasers)

Lesson Activities

1. Use color combinations (analogous, primary, secondary) to fill in the positive space (holiday lights, pet, foreground) of the holiday drawings 

2. Use color combinations (analogous, primary, secondary) to fill in the negative space (background, interior) of the holiday drawings

3. Add details (festive tree, presents, living room rug, snow, fireplace) to the negative space (background, interior) of the Wrapped Pets In Christmas Lights

Artist Examples

Student Examples