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Friday, January 10, 2020


Berthe Morisot Impressionist Flowers

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Berthe Morisot Impressionist Flowers using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use high keyed colors (red, yellow, orange, yellow, green), line types (horizon, vertical, curved) and value (tints, shades) inspired by Impressionist Painter (1841-1895) Berthe Morisot
  • Use painting techniques (dry brush, wet on wet, blocking) and design principles (gradation, proportion, variation) inspired by 19th Century Art Movements
  • Define Style (a distinctive manner of expression in writing, speech, or art)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. The Blue Vases (1888) Berthe Morisot
2. Read Aloud "Katie and the Impressionists" by James Mayhew
3. Discussion Questions "How do these colors make you feel hen you look at these paintings? What type of location do you see in the picture? What time of day? What other kinds of lines do you see in the painting? Where do you see zigzag, curvy, or straight lines? What kinds of lines repeat? Is there any black in the picture? Where? What else do you think was in the boat outside of our view? Do you think the artist of someone else was in the boat? How many greens or yellows are there? Are any other color groups represented? If you were designing a set of crayons for the colors in this painting, how many would be in the box? What would you name some of the colors? Can you name any of the scientific names of the colors like sulfur yellow? How does color create a dramatic effect? What do you see? What catches your attention first? What might the lady in the painting be thinking? Where do you think the artist was when she painted this scene? What kind of brushstrokes did the artist use in this painting? How do the brush strokes and use of color suggest movement in the water? How do they show light coming through the leaves?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12 X 12 piece of colored construction paper
2. Use black tempera paint to draw an outline of a large flowers, vase, and table of flower bouquet paintings
3. Add details (leaves, wallpaper, designs) to large flowers, vase, and table of flower bouquet

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Berthe Morisot Impressionist Flowers for Assigned Table
2. Dahlias (1876) Berthe Morisot
3. Discussion Questions "Did people in the group interpret the work differently? How did your interpretation compare to what is written about the piece? How do you think other events in history affected the subject or style of the work of art you examined? How did their examination of the work through the lens of historical events affect the way each group viewed the work of art? What was the first thing you noticed about the painting? What time of day do you think it is in the painting? What do you see that makes you think so? What colors do you see in the painting? What do you notice first? Where is it located in the composition? Do you think this was intentionally done by the artist? Why do you think this? What makes this area of the artwork stand out? What do you notice in the background? What does the bottom of the vase look like? What is the angle of the branch? Is it horizontal or tilted?"

Lesson Activities

1. Add an horizon line to the background (table, wallpaper) of the flower bouquet 
2. Use high-keyed colors (red, yellow, orange, green) to fill in the positive space (flowers) of the flower bouquet
3. Use high-keyed colors (red, yellow, orange, green) to fill in the negative space (background, table) of the flower bouquet

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Berthe Morisot Impressionist Flowers for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (water bucket, paint brushes, pearl tempera paint)

Lesson Activities

1. Add highlights (reflective light, light source) to subject matter (flowers, vase, table) of flower bouquet
2. Add shadows (cast shadow, shadow) to background (table, background) of flower bouquet
3. Outline details (pattern, objects) in foreground (flower, vase) of Berthe Morisot Impressionist Flowers

Artist Examples

Student Examples