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Thursday, September 10, 2020


 Abstract Trees

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Abstract Tree using drawing techniques learned in class 
  • Use line types (horizontal vertical diagonal), shape variation (geometric organic free form) and space (positive negative) inspired by French Painter (1882-1963) Georges Braque and Spanish Painter (1881-1973) Pablo Picasso
  • Use art element: line (horizontal vertical diagonal) and design principles (composition proportion balance) based on Modern Art
  • Define Cubism (using different viewpoints of subjects together in the same picture to create a fragmented artwork)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Fruit Dish And Glass (1912) Georges Braque 

2. Read Picasso And The Girl With A Ponytail: A Story About Pablo Picasso by Laurence Anholt

3. Discussion Questions "When did the Cubism art movement take place? What are the two main types of Cubism? What two artists were largely responsible for inventing Cubism? What Cubism artist wrote the first major essay on Cubism and painting "Woman with A Fan?" What artist painted Three Musicians and was a primary founder of the Cubism movement? What Spanish artist painted Portrait of Picasso and helped develop Synthetic Cubism? What co-founder of Cubism painted Violin and Candlestick? What artist used popular subjects in his art and helped to inspire the creation of Pop Art? What was the most common subject matter in the Cubism Art Movement? What style of Cubism focused on bright colors and the relationship between painting and music?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" by 15" Drawing Paper

2. Draw three thumbnail sketches of tree compositions using drawing techniques (blending smudging smooth) for tree drawings

3. Add details (leaves acorn hole) for the positive space (tree) of the Abstract Trees

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Abstract Trees for Assigned Table 

2. Guitar and Fruit Dish (1909) Georges Braque 

3. Discussion Questions "What kind of tree is this? How old is the tree? What season is it? Has anyone tried cutting it down? What else grows nearby? Who waters the tree? Does the tree get enough sunlight? Is the tree healthy? What is a tree a symbol of? Where is the tree located? If you were in the picture, where would you be? Did you enjoy creating a tree that represented you? What makes a good scientific sketch? What details were important to include in each tree? How tall do you think the tree is? Have you noticed how different the forest looks through the different seasons? If you climbed to the top of that tree and looked around, what do you think you would be able to see from there?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use drawing techniques (blending smudging smoothing) to add basic shapes (geometric organic free form) to tree drawings

2. Use design principles (composition balance proportion) to fill in the positive space (tree) of the tree drawings

3. Use drawing techniques (blending smudging smoothing) to add details (bark hole leaves) to Abstract Trees

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Abstract Trees for Assigned Table

2. Set Up Studio Area (construction paper, markers, pencils)

Lesson Activities

1. Use warm colors (red orange yellow) to fill in the negative space (background) of the tree drawings

2. Use cool colors (blue green purple) to fill in the positive space (tree) of the tree drawings

3. Add design details (Christmas lights, star, snow) to the positive space (tree) of the Abstract Trees

Artist Examples

Student Examples