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Sunday, September 24, 2017


Colorful License Plates

Learning Targets

I can...
  • Create a License Plate using composition techniques learned in class
  • Use primary/secondary colors (red yellow blue; orange green purple), space (positive, negative), and value (lightness/darkness of color)
  • Use social studies connections (road trips, geography, historical significance) to discuss Functional Art
  • Define Typography (style and appearance of printed letters and numbers)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. "The State Plates Project" by Jonathan Lawrence http://stateplatesproject.com/

2. License Plates Throughout History (Mexico, Canada, United States) http://www.15q.net/usindex.html

3. Discussion Question "License plates identify cars and no two plates are the same. There are many different examples of state license plates. Some people customize their license plates with words or phrases. There is a seven or eight to the number of characters a person can use to represent themselves. What is a seven or eight letter word that represents you?"

Lesson Activities 

1. Pick One Classic License Plate 
2. Use Crayons, Colored Pencils, or Pastel for Rubbing

Initials & Home Teacher on Back of Paper

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve License Plate Rubbing
2. License Plate Project Designs by Jonathan Lawrence
3. Typography- is the style and appearance of printed letters and numbers. What are some ways artists combine functionality and good design to create something new? What are some of your favorite redesigns of license plates?

Lesson Activities:

1. Use License Plate Template for Shape
2. Add Seven-Eight Alphabetic Code to Represent Oneself
3. Draw Symbols to represent an important event, place, or memory 

Artist Examples