Matisse Style Portraits
Learning Target
I can...- Create a Matisse Style Portrait using drawing techniques learned in class
- Use color combinations (complimentary, analogous, primary), shape variation (organic, geometric, biomorphic), and line types (outline, contour, thickness) inspired by Henri Matisse
- Use drawing techniques (facial features, face proportions) and design principles (harmony, balance, variation) based on the Fauvism Movement
- Define Portrait (a picture depicting the face, head, and shoulder)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
1. Woman With A Hat (1905) Henri Matisse
2. Read Matisse: The King of Color by Laurence Anholt
3. Discussion Questions "Do you have a personal style? Do you have certain things that you like to wear? What type of music do you like to listen too? What are some things that make you unique? What do you know about the famous and unique artist Henri Matisse? What do you think Matisse likes best in his pictures?"
Lesson Activities
1. Choose a 9" by 12" White Paper
2. Use pencils to draw facial proportions (face, neck, chin) onto white paper
3. Use black sharpie marker to outline facial proportions for Matisse Style Portraits
- Initials & Home Teacher on Back of Paper
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Matisse Style Portrait for Assigned Table
2. Portrait of Madame Matisse (Green Stripe) (1905) Henri Matisse
3. Discussion Questions "Do you like this paintings? What do you think this woman is thinking about? What do you feel when you look at Henri Matisse's art? Do his pictures make you feel happy?"
Lesson Activities
1. Use oil pastel to make shapes (biomorphic, geometric, free form) of color the positive space
2. Use oil pastel to make shapes (biomorphic, geometric, free form) in the negative space
3. Use black pastel to outline facial features (hair, nose, eyebrows) of portraits
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve Matisse Style Portrait for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (oil pastels, erasers, pencils)
Lesson Activities
1. Use oil pastels to add shadows (cast shadow, core shadow) to styled Portraits
2. Use oil pastel to add highlights (reflective light, light sources) to styled portraits
3. Use black oil pastel to outline portrait (head, neck, shoulder) of Matisse Style Portraits