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Thursday, August 29, 2019


Primary Still Life 

Learning Targets 

I can...
  • Create an original Primary Still Life using observational drawing techniques learning in class
  • Use form (two dimensional, three dimensional), shape variation (geometric, organic), and value (light yellow, dark yellow) inspired by Dutch Painter (1872-1944) Piet Mondrian and American Artist (1923-1997) Roy Lichtenstein
  • Understand primary colors (red yellow blue) and design principles (composition, variation, balance) relating to Modern Art
  • Define Still Life (painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects such as flowers, fruit, or dishes)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Glass and Lemon in a Mirror (1974) Roy Lichtenstein
2. Still Life with Ginger Pot II (1912) Piet Mondrian
3. Discussion Questions "What is the difference between aesthetic theories? Can artwork be explained by more than one aesthetic theory? How does artist's intent influence your interpretation of the artwork? Why is it important to understand the time period of an artist when looking art their work? How can personal artwork be inspired by ideas explored by past artists? Why is problem solving an integral part of the art making process? How can students use general knowledge and art knowledge to further develop personal art making?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper
2. Add three dimensional shapes (cylinder, pyramid, sphere) to composition of arranged objects (fruit dishes, fabric)
3. Add an horizon line in the background to separate the folded drapery, objects, and wallpaper

  • Initials & Home Teacher on Back of Paper

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Primary Still Life for Assigned Table
2. Still Life with Crystal Bowl (1973) Roy Lichtenstein
3.  Discussion Questions "What is a still life? Still Life- a simple painting or drawing of objects. Is it different from other forms of figurative work in the sense that it cannot move? Can you guess how many types of still life there are for three merits? How can I create my own still life effectively? What was the inspiration for your art? Were you learning about a famous artist, a world culture, or a place/time in history?  What materials did you use? What techniques did you try? What are you proud of in your art? What time you do differently? What style is it? Were you using your imagination, memories, or observing from real life?"

Lesson Activities   

1. Use primary colors (red yellow blue) to fill in the positive space (fruit bowl) of the still life
2. Use primary colors (red yellow blue) to fill in the negative space (wallpaper) of the still life
3. Use shape stamps to add patterns (floral, silk, wood) to the Primary Still Life

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Primary Still Life for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (tempera paint, water bucket, paint brushes)

Lesson Activities 

1. Add highlights (reflective light, light source) to subject matter (fruit bowl, glassware) of still life
2. Add shadows (cast shadow, shadow) to background (wallpaper, table) of still life
3. Outline details (pattern, objects, fruit) in foreground (fruit bowl, glassware) of Primary Still

Artist Examples

Student Examples