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Saturday, September 28, 2019


Line Variety Paintings

Learning Targets

I can...
  • Create an original line variety paintings using painting techniques learned in class
  • Use types of directional lines (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), space (positive, negative), and color combinations inspired by Keith Baker
  • Use gross motor skills (raising, rolling, lifting) and design principles (movement, variety, balance) based on visual literacy
  • Define Line (a dot that goes for a walk) 

Lesson One
Day, One Art Start

1. Needle Tower (1968) Kenneth Snelson
2.  Read Little Green by Keith Baker
3. Discussion Questions "If art could talk, what would it say? If this artwork had eyes, what would it see? If you could ask this artwork a question, what would you ask it? How has this changed your understanding of the artwork? How does this artwork teach us about the future? Was this intended to be a work of art or not? Why do you think that? How does that impact your understanding of the artwork? If you could change this artwork, how would you change it? What do you like about this artwork? What do you dislike about this artwork?"

Lesson Activities 

1. Choose 12" by 12" Drawing Paper
2. Add three line types (wavy, zig zag, cloud) to positive space (foreground) of line variety paintings
3. Use black sharpie marker to outline three line types (wavy, zig zag, cloud) of positive space (foreground) of line variety paintings  

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Line Variety Painting for Assigned Table
2. Six Number Two (1967) Kenneth Snelson
3. Discussion Questions "What do you want to remember about this artwork? What do you want to forget about this artwork? What is beautiful about this artwork? How might you feel differently about the world after looking at this artwork? How can you connect this artwork to your own life? What does this artwork remind you of? What would like feel like to be in this artwork? What juxtaposition do you notice? What title would you give this artwork? What is the title? How does the title contribute to your understanding of the meaning? How did the artist use line, shape, and color to contribute to the mood or meaning?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use color combinations to fill in the positive space (foreground) of the line variety paintings
2. Use color combinations to fill in the negative space (background) of the line variety paintings
3. Use pattern (dots, swirls, stripes) to fill in the positive space (foreground) of the line variety paintings 

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Line Variety Painting for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (paint brushes, water bucket, paper towel)

Lesson Activities 

1. Use highlights (reflective light, light source) to fill in the positive space (foreground) of the line variety paintings
2. Use shadow (cast shadow, shadow) to fill in the negative space (background) of the line variety paintings
3. Use texture tools (combs, plates, stamps) to add details to line variety paintings 

Artist Examples

Student Examples