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Thursday, November 7, 2019


Pablo Lobato Kitten Collages

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Pablo Lobato Kitten Collage using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use bright colors (orange, green, yellow), basic shapes (irregular, regular), and line types (thick, thin, long, short, curved, straight) inspired by Graphic Designer (1970-Present) Pablo Lobato
  • Use collage techniques (texture, embroidery, combinations) and design principles (rhythm, movement, harmony) based on Contemporary Art
  • Define Pattern (a repeated decorative design) 

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Mouse Pad (2010) Pablo Lobato
2. Read They All Saw a Cat by Brendan Wenzel 
3. Discussion Questions "Do cats have shoulders? Why do cats purr? Why do cats have whiskers? What is a group of cats called? What is the normal eye color of a Siamese cat? Which cats are cartoons? What is the largest "big cat" in the world? Do cats spend an average of 13 to 14 hours a day sleeping? How many whiskers does the average cat have on each side of its face? What is the average number of kittens in a litter? Which part of the cat's body can appear and disappear? What was the punishment for hurting a cat in ancient Egypt? What is the name of the worlds' richest cat? Which part of a cat is as unique as a human fingerprint?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper
2. Use basic shapes (semi-circle, oval, triangles) to draw recognizable parts of the kitten collage 
3. Add feline parts (claws, teeth, tail, whiskers, nose) to the recognizable parts of the Pablo Lobato Kitten Collages

  • Initials & Home Teacher on Back of Paper

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Pablo Lobato Kitten Collage for Assigned Table
2. Go Cat Go (2019) Pablo Lobato
3. Discussion Questions "How does the artist do his work? What role do artists have in society? What is integral to the work of an artist? What as your first reaction to this artwork? Why do you think you had that reaction? Does your opinion about the artwork change the longer you look at it? What lines and colors do you see in this artwork? Which area of the artwork is emphasized by the artist? Which area of the artwork is most important? How did the artist use space? How did the artist use balance? How did the artist use proportion? How does your eye move through the artwork?"

Lesson Activities 

1. Add patterns (dots, stripes, lines) to the positive space (recognizable animal) of the Kitten Collage
2. Use bright colors (green, orange, yellow) to fill in the positive space (recognize animal) of the Kitten Collage
3. Use bright colors (green, orange, yellow) to fill in the negative space (background) of the Pablo Lobato Kitten Collage

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Pablo Lobato Kitten Collage for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (scissors, glue sticks, scrapbook paper)

Lesson Activities 

1. Add highlights (reflective, light, light source) to the positive space (recognizable animal) of their kitten collage
2. Add shadows (cast shadow, shadow) to the negative space (background) of their kitten collage
3. Add embellishments (trim, lace, contrasting fabric, beads) to the positive (animal) and negative (background) space of their Pablo Lobato Kitten Collage

Artist Examples

Student Examples