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Thursday, February 27, 2020


Art Supplies Still Life Drawings

Learning Targets

I can...
  • Create an original Art Supplies Still Life Drawing using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use fluorescent colors (pink, yellow, green, blue, orange), line types (horizontal, vertical, marvel), and value (lightness, darkness) inspired by Conceptual Artist (1941-Present) Michael Craig Martin
  • Use drawing skills (intensity, illusion of depth, observational) and design principles (movement, proportion, gradation) based on Contemporary Art
  • Define Hierarchy (objects that are closer to the viewer are lower on the paper)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Scissors (Wallpaper Aqua) (2004) Michael Craig-Martin

2. Fan (2002) Michael Craig Martin
3. Discussion Questions "Why would someone want to paint a still life? What objects from home would you include in a still life, and why? What objects do you identify in the painting? Which objects are natural and which objects are man-made? Why did you choose these objects? What do these objects symbolize for you/? Why did you arrange the objects the way you did? Why did the artist choose this subject? How did the artist compose elements in the painting? What is the theme within it? What type of objects would you not see in a still life painting? How would you describe the lines, shapes, or colors in this painting? What observations can you make about this painting?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper
2. Add three dimensional shapes (cylinder, pyramid, sphere) to composition of arranged objects (pencils, scissors, markers)
3. Use black sharpie markers to add line types (thick, thin) to composition of arranged objects (pencils, scissors, markers)

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Art Supplies Still Life Drawing for Assigned Table
2. Portrait (Paintbrushes) (2000) Michael Craig-Martin
3. Discussion Questions "What objects are the tallest, shortest, widest, and narrow? What shapes can we find in the pencil? What overlapping do you notice with these objects? What is in your toolbox? What is an illusion? In what ways can artwork create illusions? What general and artist knowledge is necessary for art making? How can the development of a strong knowledge base aid in the ability to create illusions of artwork? What objects seem closer to you? Which objects seem further away? What can you tell me about the colors in this painting? What color is used the most in this painting? How do you think the artist made this work? What questions would you ask the artist about this work,  if she or he were here? What title would you give this painting? What made you decide on that title? What do you think is painting in this painting? What else could be happening?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use fluorescent colors (green, orange, pink, turquoise, yellow, red)  to fill in the positive space (arranged objects) of the Art Supplies Still Life Drawings
2. Use fluorescent colors (green, orange, pink, turquoise, yellow, red) to fill in the negative space (background) of the Art Supplies Still Life Drawings
3. Use shape stamps to add patterns (floral, silk, wood) to the Art Supplies Still Life Drawings

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Art Supples Still Life Drawing for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (markers, erasers, felt pens, pencils)

Lesson Activities

1. Add highlights (reflective light, light source) to subject matter (arranged objects) of Art Supplies Still Life Drawings
2. add shadows (cast shadow, shadow) to negative space (background) of Art Supplies Still Life Drawings
3. Outline details (pattern, arranged objects) in foreground (art supplies) of Art Supplies Still Life Drawings

Artist Examples

Student Examples