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Monday, March 9, 2020


Robert Longo Charcoal Waves

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Robert Longo Charcoal Waves using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use neutral colors (white, black, grey), texture variation (bumpy, misty, reflective), and space (positive, negative) inspired by Contemporary Artist (1953-Present) Robert Longo
  • Use drawing techniques (blending, smearing, smudging) and design principles (movement, repetition, proportion) based on Contemporary Art
  • Define Gesture (quick drawing capturing the form of a subject)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Study Of Mother Wave (2018) Robert Longo

2. Read Wave by Suzy Lee
3. Discussion Questions "What makes you think that Robert Longo is an internationally critically acclaimed contemporary artist? What were some major influences in Robert Longo's childhood that contributed to him becoming a great artist? What are some of the different types of media Longo utilizes and different types of art Longo produced at different stages in his life? What was Longo trying to tell us in his picture "pressure"? What are some indicators that prove Longo is an important American Contemporary Artist?" 

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" X 12" Drawing Paper
2. Draw foreground (bottom wave), middle ground (main wave), and background (sky, clouds) of charcoal waves
3. Use drawings techniques (blending, smudging, smearing) to add layers to subject matter (waves) of Robert Longo Charcoal Waves

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Robert Longo Charcoal Waves for Assigned Table
2. The Wave (2003) Robert Longo
3. Discussion Questions "What factors influenced Longo as a child that impacted his art career? Who are some of Longo's contemporaries who have influenced his art? What's Longo signature trait in his artwork? What is an abstract logo such as the one Longo created? What is Longo's favorite art form? What were the main subjects of his paintings and relief sculptures during his figurative painting stage? What are some of the characteristics of Longo's artwork that sets it appear from other artists work? What is the symbolism found within his work?"

Lesson Activities

1. Add thin layers of charcoal to forefront (bottom wave), middle ground (main wave), and background (clouds, sky) of charcoal waves
2. Use drawing techniques (smudging, smearing, blending) to add details (wave peaks, jagged lines, mist) to charcoal waves
3.Use drawing techniques (smudging, smearing, blending) to add texture (implied, actual, visual) to Robert Longo Charcoal Waves

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Robert Longo Charcoal Waves for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (charcoal pencils, felt tip pens, erasers, cloth)

Lesson Activities

1. Use neutral colors (white, black, grey) to fill in the positive space (waves) of the charcoal waves
2. Use neutral colors (white, black, grey) to fill in the negative space (clouds, sky) of the charcoal waves
3. Use tint (white) and shade (black) to add depth within the Robert Longo Charcoal Waves

Artist Examples

Student Examples