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Monday, April 27, 2020


One Point Perspective 

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an Original One Point Perspective using computer techniques learned in class
  • Use line types (horizon, ground, perpendicular), form (two dimensional, three dimensional), and value (lightness, darkness) inspired by Italian Renaissance Architect (1377-1446) Filippo Brunelleschi
  • Use mathematical connections (grid drawing, angles, three dimensional shapes) and design principles (movement, balance, composition) based on Renaissance Art
  • Define Vanishing Point (point at which receding parallel lines viewed in perspective appear to converge)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Bedroom In Arles (1888) Vincent Van Gogh
2. The Delivery of Keys to Saint Peter (1481-1482) Pietro Perugino
3. Discussion Questions "What is one point perspective used for? Can you name the solid shapes in this picture? What are some techniques developed during the Renaissance? What other angles can you think of? Does the word perspective scare you from creating more complex artwork? Do you feel like being precise and using grids can take away from the fun of creating? Would you like to be able to create drawings or paintings that transmit a sense of depth and space? What are the three main characteristics of one point perspective? What types of lines are used in one point perspective? In one point perspective, dimensions are estimated or measured? Which of these drawings are in one point perspective? What is a vanishing point? What is one point perspective used in drawing?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" by 15" Drawing Paper
2. Use pencil to draw basic shapes (cylinder, sphere, rectangle prism) of the positive space of one point perspective drawings 
3. Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to fill negative space (background) of one point perspective drawings

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve One Point Perspective for Assigned Table
2. The Last Supper (1498) Leonardo Da Vinci
3. Discussion Questions "What do these two famous paintings have in common? Where is the vanishing pint located in a one-point perspective drawing? If a building rises above the horizon line, can you see the top of it? What parts of a cylinder would you see if you were placed below the horizon line? In a one-point perspective drawing, how many vanishing points are there? What artist first used linear perspective? Why was the incorporation of accurate perspective important to the advancement of art? What have you learned about space and perspective? What is one point perspective used for? Can you name the solid shapes in this picture? What are some techniques developed during the Renaissance?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use value (lightness, darkness) to fill in positive space (three dimensional shape) of one point perspective drawings
2. Use value (lightness, darkness) to fill in negative space (background) of one point perspective drawings
3. Use line type (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to fill in negative space (background) with designs (stripes, dots, waves) for one point perspective drawings 

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve One Point Perspective for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (cardboard squares, glue sticks, scissors)

Lesson Activities

1. Add highlights (light source, reflective light) to positive space (three dimensional shapes) of one point perspective drawings
2. Add shadows (cast shadow, shadow) to negative space (background) of one point perspective drawings
3. Use stop motion program (iMotion, FlipaClip, Stop Motion) to add an animation to one point perspective drawings 

Artist Examples

Student Examples