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Monday, April 6, 2020


Typography Art

Learning Targets

  • Create an original Typography Art using drawing techniques in class
  • Use line variation (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), shape types (geometric, organic), and value (lightness, darkness) inspired by Stencil Art
  • Use language arts connections (phrases, positive words, quotes) and design principles (repetition, balance, gradation) based on Street Art Movement
  • Define Typography (arranging letters, numbers, and symbols to create an image)

Lesson One
Day One Art Start

1. Audrey Hepburn (2020) Sean Williams
2. Read Typography Sketchbooks by Steve Heller & Talarico Lita
3. Discussion Questions "What is a font? What is a stroke? What is a foot in a letter? What is uppercase? What is lowercase? What is font weight? What is point size? What is copy? What is text alignment? Is color contrast optimized for legibility? Are the sizes effective? Does the typography communicate visually? Is the text effective on all devices? What is this font visually communicating? What is typography? What is going on in this artwork? What was your first reaction to this artwork? Why do you think you had this reaction? Does your opinion about the artwork change the longer you look at it? What types of lines are being used in this artwork? What types of colors are being used in this artwork? Which area of the artwork is emphasized by the artist? Which area of the artwork is important important?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use pencil to draw shape variation (organic, geometric, biomorphic) of the selected object (keys, shoes, balloon) of typography art
2. Use font types (script, decorative, serif) to fill in the positive space (object) with words (phrases, quotes, lyrics) of typography art
3. Use font types (script, decorative, serif) to fill in the negative space (background) with words (phrases, quotes, lyrics) of typography art

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Typography Art for Assigned Table
2. Marilyn Monroe (2020) Sean Williams
3. Discussion Questions "Which area of the artwork is most important? How did this artist use space? How did the artist use balance? How did the artist use proportion? How does your eye move through the artwork? What choice did the artist make to make that happen? Why did you remember what you remembered? Why did you forget what you forgot? How would you describe this artwork to someone who has never seen it? What elements of this painting seem real? What adjectives would you use to describe this artwork? What verbs would you use to describe this artwork? What elements seem dreamlike or imaginary? What is strange about this artwork? What is exciting about this artwork? what do we know about the artist after viewing this artwork? Why do you think this artist created this work?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use warm colors (red orange yellow) to fill in positive space (object) of words (phrases, quotes, lyrics) of typography art
2. Use cool colors (blue green purple) to fill in negative space (background) of words (phrases, quotes, lyrics) of typography
3. Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to fill in the negative space (background) of words (phrases, quotes, lyrics) of typography

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Typography Art for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (computer, photographs, phrases)

Lesson Activities

1. Add highlights (reflective light, light source) to positive space (fish) of the flying fish prints
2. Add shadows (cast shadow, shadow) to negative space (background) of the flying fish prints
3. Add relief pieces (styrofoam pieces, cardboard, poster board) behind the fish and rocks of the flying fish prints

Artist Examples

Student Examples