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Thursday, December 3, 2020


 Textured Bunnies

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Textured Bunnies using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use line types (horizontal vertical diagonal), neutral colors (white black grey), and space (positive negative) inspired by British Illustrator (1892-Present) Catherine Rayner
  • Use drawing techniques (contour outline continuous) and design principles (composition gradation proportion) based on United Kingdom Art
  • Define Texture (the feel or appearance of a surface)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start 

1. Anita And Arabella (2020) Catherine Rayner

2. Read Harris Finds His Feet by Catherina Rayner

3. Discussion Questions "Where does a rabbit make a nest for its babies? How do you know if its a baby rabbit or baby hare? How long will a baby rabbit stay with its mom before it can go anywhere it wants to go? What kind of rabbit is found in the United States? What time of day is the rabbit most active? How do rabbits behave when they are scared? What is the difference between a rabbit and a hare? What did ancient people consider the rabbit a symbol of? How do hares and rabbits live? How may a rabbit communicate that danger is near? How can you tell a rabbit feels endangered? What rabbit has the most beautiful fur? What is rabbit wool? Where do all breeds of rabbit originate? What type of diet does a rabbit have? What is the average life space of a rabbit? How many teeth does a rabbit have?"

Lesson Activities 

1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper

2. Use line types (horizontal diagonal vertical) to draw positive space (animal) of bunny drawings

3. Use value (lightness, darkness) to fill in the positive space (animal) of the Textured Bunnies

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Textured Bunnies for Assigned Table

2. Molly, Meredith, and Paddy (2020) Catherine Rayner

3. Discussion Questions "What elements of this drawing seem real? What adjectives would you use to describe this artwork? What verbs would you use to describe this artwork? What elements seem dreamlike or imaginary? What is strange about this artwork? What is exciting about this artwork? What do we know about the artist after viewing this artwork? If you could ask the artist a question, what would you ask her? Why do you think this artwork was created? Why do you say that? How do you think the artist feels about the final product? How do you think this artwork was made? Why do you think the artist made this work? What do you think the artist is trying to say in this artwork?"

Lesson Activities

1. Add geometric shapes (oval, circle, triangle) to positive space (animal) of the bunny drawings

2. Use patterns (swirls, zig zags, stripes) to add a design to the negative space (background) of the bunny drawings 

3. Use chalk pastels to smear patterns (swirls stripes zig zags) for the negative space (background) of the Textured Bunnies

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Textured Bunnies for Assigned Table

2. Set Up Studio Area (chalk pastels, erasers, sharpeners)

Lesson Activities 

1. Blend neutral colors (black white grey) for positive space (animal) of the bunny drawings

2. Add highlights (light source reflective light) to the positive space (animal) of the bunny drawings

3. Add illusion of depth by adding details (rocks grass dirt mud) to the positive space (foreground) of the Textured Bunnies

Artist Examples

Student Examples