Whimsical Landscapes
Learning Targets
I can...
- Create an original Whimsical Landscapes using drawing techniques learned in class
- Use color combinations (complementary, secondary, analogous), shape variation (geometric organic free form) and space (positive negative) inspired by American Artist (1981-Present) Justin Vining
- Use art element: line (curved angled wavy) and design principles (composition proportion balanced) based on Contemporary Art
- Define Whimsical (a vibrant, playful, and childlike style of art)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
1. Catching Stars On Park Avenue (2014) Justin Vining
2. Read Come Look With Me: Exploring Landscape Art With Children by Gladys S. Blizzard
3. Discussion Questions "How long does it take the artist to complete a painting? Why did he decide to become an artist? Why does the artist make his landscapes abstract? What is your favorite painting that at the artist has made? What do you think of his artwork? How is the artist influenced by art history and his surroundings? Have you seen his artwork before? Has Vining stepped away from his past or has he embraced it? How would you define or explain the work of Vining? Is he predictable? Is he still pushing himself? How? What is the definition of Abstract Art? What other famous artists would you compare Vining to? How has Vining's experience as an art educator and lawyer influenced his work? Are these experiences completely opposite? Is that good? As an artist, how important is it to draw inspiration from your surroundings? How might we become distracted by engaging in the world around us? How important is it to keep a sketchbook?"
Lesson Activities
1. Use a ruler, compass, or straight edge to draw the scenery of the landscape drawings
2. Add details (buildings, moon, farm) within the negative space (scenery) of the landscape paintings
3. Use colored sharpies to outline the negative space (background) of the Whimsical Landscapes
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Whimsical Landscapes for Assigned Table
2. The Road Less Traveled (2014) Justin Vining
3. Discussion Questions "What can you see? What do you think the meaning behind this image is? How does this image make you feel? What do you like about the image? What are some art elements and principles you can see? How does Vining use brushes or tools to show all the visual elements in his paintings? How would you compose your section? How will your section fit into the big picture? How is this painting inspiring your own work? What is going on in this picture? Who is Justin Vining and how did his artwork set him apart? How has Vining created this painting? What mediums and processes has he used? What art elements and principles has Vining used in his painting? Where can you see them? What inspiration comes to mind from this painting?"
Lesson Activities
1. Add patterns (swirls stripes stars) to positive space (foreground) and negative space (background) of scenery of landscape paintings
2. Use color combinations (analogous complementary secondary) to fill in the negative space (background) of the landscape paintings
3. Use color combinations (analogous complementary secondary) to fill in the positive space (foreground) of the Whimsical Landscapes
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve Whimsical Landscapes for Assigned Tables
2. Set Up Studio Area (washable markers, sharpie markers, colored pencils)
Lesson Activities
1. Add highlights (reflective light, light source) within the positive space (foreground) of the scenery within the landscape paintings
2. Add shadows (cast shadows, shadow) within the negative space (background) of the scenery within the landscape paintings
3. Add details (moon, house, farm) within the negative space (background) within the scenery of the Whimsical Landscapes