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Tuesday, July 13, 2021


 Color Theory Trees

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Color Theory Trees using painting techniques learned in class
  • Use analogous colors (red orange yellow; green blue purple), line variation (horizontal vertical diagonal), and texture (smooth, rough) inspired by Canadian Artist (1911-Present) Richard Hoedl
  • Understand analogous colors (red orange yellow; green blue yellow) and design principles (gradation, repetition, composition) based on Contemporary Art
  • Define Tint (a shade or variety of color)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. A Crowd Gathers (2009) Richard Hoedl

2. Read Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert

3. Discussion Questions "What is a Color Wheel? What are colors across from each other on the color wheel called? What are primary colors? What is color? What does saturating a color do? What are warm colors? What is a tint? What is value? What do colors do? What is the complementary color of green? What are subtractive and addictive colors? What is the difference between a tint, tone, and shade? What are various color schemes and color pallets? What are secondary colors?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use drawing techniques (layering overlapping cropping) to make a composition for the Color Theory Trees

2. Use drawing techniques (layering, overlapping, cropping) to add the parts (trunk, leaves, branches) for the trees of the tree paintings

3. Add line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to the positive space (trees) of the Color Theory Trees

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Color Theory Trees for Assigned Tables

2. Being Thankful (2009) Richard Hoedl

3. Discussion Questions "Why are trees so colorful? What are some differences between trees? What types of trees can you use to break up your drawing? What colors are trees? What is the meaning behind a tree? what types of trees are there? How many kinds of trees are there? What is your favorite type of tree? Do you know any interesting facts about trees? What is the strangest tree you have seen? What kinds of trees are beautiful? Why are trees so large or small?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use value (reflective, highlights, shadows) to add contrast to positive space (tree) of Color Theory Trees

2. Use value (cast shadow, reflective light, highlights) to add contrast to negative space (background) of Color Theory Trees

3. Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) on the positive space (trees) of the Color Theory Trees

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Color Theory Trees for Assigned Table

2. Set Up Studio Area (paintbrushes, tempera paint, water bucket)

Lesson Activities

1. Use analogous colors (red yellow orange; green blue purple) to fill in the positive space (trees) of the Color Theory Trees

2. Use analogous colors (red yellow orange; green blue purple) to fill in the negative space (background) of the Color Theory Trees

3. Use metallic colors (gold silver bronze) to outline the line types (horizontal vertical diagonal) of the positive space (trees) of the Color Theory Trees

Artist Examples

Student Examples