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Monday, December 13, 2021


 Paper Mache Teacups

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Paper Mache Teacup using sculpture techniques learned in class
  • Use color combinations (secondary, analogous, primary), shape variation (geometric, organic), and form (cone, cylinder, sphere) inspired by Freelance Artist (2017-Present) Meyoco
  • Use sculpture techniques (forming, modeling, building) and design principles (composition, proportion, balanced) based on Illustration
  • Define Form (an object seen from all sides, having height, width, and length)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Tea Cup I (2021) Meyoco 

2. Polaris by Meyoco 

3. Discussion Questions "How did the artist use balance? How do you think the artist is feeling about the final product? How do you think this artwork was made? What does this artwork say about the culture in which it was produced? What is the function of this artwork? What is happening in history when this artwork was made? How does that change your understanding of the artwork? How might your interpretation of this artwork be different from someone in another culture? What are the values and beliefs of the culture in which this artwork was made?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" X 15" Newspaper

2. Use modeling techniques (hand building, assemblage, collage) to make the form (cylinder, cone, sphere) of the teacup sculptures

3. Use sculpture techniques (attaching, blending, smoothing) to connect details (handle, bottom, saucer) to the Paper Mache Teacups

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Paper Mache Teacup for Assigned Table

2. Teacup II (2021) Meyoco

3. Discussion Questions "How is popular culture influenced by advertising? How are people influenced by the media and advertising? How and why do advertisers promote product? How does the media have an effect on an artist's life? Why or why not? Why do people decide what art is and what is not art? Do these ideas change? What materials did the artist use? How did the artist use them? What can we learn about the artist by looking at this? How is this different from traditional artwork?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use addictive techniques (container, toothpick, straw) to add texture (implied, actual) to the teacup sculptures

2. Use Paper Mache paste to layer forms (cylinder, cone, sphere) of the positive space (teacup) of the teacup sculptures

3. Use Paper Mache paste to layer forms (cylinder, cone, sphere) of the negative space (background) of the Paper Mache Teacups

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Paper Mache Teacups for Assigned Table

2. Set Up Studio Area (newspaper, paper clippings, paste)

Lesson Activities

1. Use color combinations (complementary, analogous, secondary) to fill in the positive space (teacup) of the teacup sculptures

2. Use color combinations (complementary, analogous, secondary) to fill in the negative space (teacup) of the teacup sculptures

3. Use tint (white) and shade (black) to add depth within the positive space (teacup) and negative space (teacup) of the Paper Mache Teacups

Artist Examples
Student Examples