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Tuesday, August 29, 2023


 Alphonse Mucha Self Portraits

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Alphonse Mucha Self Portrait using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use muted colors (dulled, desaturated, low chroma, grayed), sinuous forms (serpentine, wavy, curved, bends) and patterns (decorative, borders, panels) inspired by Czech Illustrator (1860-1939) Alphonse Mucha
  • Use portrait techniques (proportion, composition, lighting, posing) and design principles (movement, rhythm, emphasis) based on Art Nouveau
  • Define Art Nouveau (decorative images prominent in early 1890s to the First World War characterized by linear designs and flowing natural shapes)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Daydream (Reverie) (1897) Alphonse Mucha

2.  How Alphonse Mucha Designed The Nation State Of Czechoslovakia by Smithsonian Magazine: Jimmy Stamp

3. Discussion Questions "What were beauty standards of the early 20th century that Mucha perpetuated through his work? How do they differ from yet inform today's definition of beauty? How did Alphonse Mucah develop a visual language that brought access to beautiful imagery to the masses? How do the advertisements compare to the ones we see today? What did Mucha aim to do through his design style? How does the detailing and imagery on the banknotes convey the personal connection Mucha had with the country? What do you believe is the significance of using floral motifs and young women as part of the design? How are the symbols seen on these banknotes different from the imagery that appears on the United States dollar bills? How might today's viewers interpret the art differently than a member of the original audience? Do you think being a native of the Czech Republic would help to better understand the motifs seen on banknotes and insignias?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper

2. Use graphite pencil to draw line types (contour, outline, continuous) of facial proportions (head, face, shoulder) of self portrait drawings

3. Use graphite pencil to add facial features (eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows) to the positive space (portrait) of the self portrait drawings 

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Alphonse Mucha Self Portraits for Assigned Tables

2. Slavia (1896) Alphonse Mucha

3. Discussion Question "What is the symbolic significance of these circle motifs? Are they purely decorative additions or do the lilies and laurels serve a purpose? Do you agree that art exists to communicate spiritual messages? What connection does this artwork make between the spiritual and the discipline of musical performance? What sort of overall spiritual message do you think Mucha wanted to communicate with this artwork? Why do you think Mucha displayed the woman like this? What is the symbolism of the vines and foliage entwined in her fingers and surrounding her? What is the mood behind this print and how it is successful as promotional menu? How did the artist use the motifs of hands and snowy branches to convey his meaning? How are these influence apparent in this image? How else are these elements consistent with the Art Nouveau style?"

Lesson Activities

1. Add adornments (piercings, tattoos, hairstyles) to positive space (portrait) of the self portrait drawings

2. Add costumes (jewelry, clothing, make up) to the positive space (portrait) of the self portrait drawings

3. Use black sharpie marker to outline the facial features (eyes, nose, mouth) and facial proportions (head, face, shoulders) of the Alphonse Mucha Self Portraits

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Alphonse Mucha Self Portraits for Assigned Tables

2. Set Up Studio Area (colored pencils, metallic markers, watercolor) 

Lesson Activities

1. Use metallic colors (gold silver bronze) to fill in the positive space (clothing, jewelry, facial features) of the self portrait drawings

2. Use metallic colors (gold silver bronze) to fill in negative space (background) of the self portrait drawings

3. Use value (lightness, darkness) to add shadows (reflective shadow, cast shadow) and highlights (reflective light, light source) to the Alphonse Mucha Self Portraits

Artist Examples

Student Examples