Andy Warhol Flower Collages
Learning Targets
I can...
- Create and original Andy Warhol Flower Collage using drawing techniques learned in class
- Use color combinations (analogous, complementary, secondary), shape variation (geometric, organic, free form), and space (positive, negative) inspired by American Artist (1928-1987) Andy Warhol
- Use printing process (lighting, cropping, editing, contrasting) and design principles (repetition, alignment, composition) based on Pop Art
- Define Silkscreen (a stencil cut out of thin paper or material to be printed by rubbing, rolling, or spraying ink on the surface)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
1. Flowers (1993) Andy Warhol
2. Read Andy Warhol's Colors by Susan Goldman Rubin
3. Discussion Questions "How did Warhol use photography, collage, drawing, and silk-screening in this print? What color combinations does Warhol use? Are the colors realistic? Are they appealing? Why or why not? How are the flowers arranged? How does Andy Warhol use shadows in the composition? What three colors did the artist use to create a triad print? What four colors were used to make a tetrad print? How did Warhol use lighting, cropping, editing, and contrasting to manipulate his source images for photographic silkscreen printing? Why did Warhol do this? What aesthetic was he trying to achieve? How is image transferred onto a silkscreen? What does it mean to expose an image onto a silkscreen? What were the advantages of underpainting as opposed to making a multilayer print with multiple silkscreens? What did Warhol mean by this? What are the advantages and disadvantages of painting like machines?"
Lesson Activities
1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper
2. Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to draw positive space (flower) of the flower collages
3. Use color combinations (analogous, secondary, complementary) to fill in the positive space (flower) of the Andy Warhol Flower Collages
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Andy Warhol Flower Collages for Assigned Tables
2. Flowers (1968) Andy Warhol
3. Discussion Questions "How did Andy Warhol create a unique art style? What are other everyday materials that we can use to create art? What are more ways color, texture, and balance can be used to create vivid, engaging art? Is one series more colorful than the other? How did Warhol create the background differently in each series? What did he change in each flower print? Do these flowers perfectly reflect each other on both sides? What artist do you think created the flower artwork? How can you tell it is an Andy Warhol piece? Are there any other everyday materials that could be used to create different textures for printmaking?"
Lesson Activities
1. Add shape variation (geometric, organic, free form) to the negative space (background) of the flower collages
2. Use patterns (swirls, stripes, dots) to add a design to the negative space (background) of the flower collages
3. Use green chalk to fill in the negative space (leaves, grass, weeds, background) of the Andy Warhol Flower Collages
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve Andy Warhol Flower Collages for Assigned Tables
2. Set Up Studio Area (chalk pastels, speed ball ink, brayers, black construction paper)
Lesson Activities
1. Blend color combinations (analogous, complementary, secondary) for the positive space (flower) of the flower collages
2. Add highlights (light source, reflective light) to the positive space (flower) of the flower collages
3. Add illusion of depth by adding details (petals, glitter, sprinkles) to the positive space (flower) of the Andy Warhol Flower Collages