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Tuesday, September 12, 2023


 Bruce Gray Animal Drawings

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Bruce Gray Animal Drawings using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use shape variation (geometric, organic, free form), color combinations (analogous, secondary, primary) and space (positive, negative) inspired by American Sculptor (1956-Present) Bruce Gray
  • Use recycled art techniques (collage, object compilation, assemblage) and design principles (composition, repetition, proportion) based on Environment Art
  • Define Recycled Art (transforms waste (paper, cardboard, wood, glass, plastics, rubber, metal) into works of art)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Picatsso Version #6 (2016) Bruce Gray

2. Read Artist Bruce Gray Creates Magic Out Of Used Vehicle Parts by Jim Kazliner

3. Discussion Questions "Do artists make artwork for creative reasons or to make a living from artwork? What is unique about this artists' story? What skills does a sculptor need to have to be successful in the industry? How would you describe the artistic process? What kind of education or training can help artists develop their skills? What marketing and promotional activities can artists focus on to build business? What would be your favorite things about being an artist? What are the artists biggest influences? What motivates artists to create? Does art help you in other areas of your life? How can you develop your art skills?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper

2. Use three line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) for the positive space (animals) as a design for the animal drawings

3. Outline three line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) for the positive space (animals) with black oil pastel for the Bruce Gray Animal Drawings

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Bruce Gray Animal Drawings for Assigned Tables

2. Homage To Picasso (2016) Bruce Gray

3. Discussion Questions "What is abstract art? What do you think abstract means? Can you recognize anything in the painting? What emotion is being conveyed in the artwork? Which artwork is abstract? Which work is abstract? What makes these paintings alike? Is the art the idea or is the art the final product? Should people who constructed the piece be given equal credit for the creation? What does this work of art remind you of? What do you think this work of art is made of? Where would you display this work of art? Does this work follow any mathematical principles? How would you describe the patterns in the artwork? How many faces does it have? How many edges does it have?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use drawing techniques (contour, outline, continuous) to add basic shapes (geometric, organic, free form) to the positive space (animal) of the animal drawings

2. Use drawing techniques (contour, outline, continuous) to add basic shapes (geometric, organic, free form) to the negative space (background) of the animal drawings

3. Use drawing techniques (contour, outline, continuous) to add details (patterns, repetition, variation) to the Bruce Gray Animal Drawings

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Bruce Gray Animal Drawings for Assigned Tables

2. Set Up Studio Area (oil pastels, erasers, pencils, chalk) 

Lesson Activities

1. Use complementary colors (red, green; blue, orange; yellow, purple) to fill in the positive space (foreground) of the animal drawings

2. Use complementary colors (red, green; blue, orange; yellow, purple) to fill in the negative space (background) of the animal drawings

3. Add design details (geometric shapes, border, patterns) to the positive space (animal) and negative space (background) of the Bruce Gray Animal Drawings

Artist Examples

Student Examples