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Thursday, September 10, 2020


 Color Wheel Eyes

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Color Wheel Eyes using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use color combinations (primary secondary intermediate), shape variation (geometric organic free form) and space (positive negative) inspired by Chilean Artist (1944-Present) Jose Vergara
  • Use art element: color (primary secondary intermediate) and design principles (composition gradation proportion) based on Contemporary Art
  • Define Color Theory (the mixing of colors and visual effects to create specific color combinations)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Triangle Eye (2015) Jose Vergara

2. Read The Wonders Of The Color Wheel by Charles Ghigna

3. Discussion Questions "What is color? How do we represent color? What colors do you see in this painting? Which three colors do you think are easier to see in this painting? What colors do you see here? What three colors did the artist use the most in this painting? What is your favorite color? What do you think the most common favorite color is in the world? What is the chart that shows the relationship between different colors called? Are these colors primary, secondary, or intermediate? What did you notice in doing this exercise about how the feeling of the painting changed? Does the painting appear more happy, sad, dark, or light? Where do you think he color would have made more difference in this painting? What is your least favorite color? Did any patterns emerge of favorite or least favorite colors?"

Lesson Activities 

1. Choose 12" by 15" Drawing Paper

2. Use pencil to draw shape variation (geometric, organic, free form) of face parts (nose forehead, cheek) of eye drawing

3. Use pencil to draw shape variation (geometric organic free form) of eye parts (iris pupil eyelid tear duck) of eye drawing

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Color Wheel Eyes for Assigned Table
2. Eye Drawing Number 13 (2015) Jose Vergara
3. Discussion Questions "What makes these art pieces fit Contemporary Art? What images seem dreamlike, fantasy, or relate to your own life? Who is the artist we are leaning about? What do you think the artist was thinking when he painted this picture? What do you think the title is suppose to tell us? Did the artist draw the parts of the eye? How can contemporary art be incorporated into these drawings? What does that mean? How can we make the ordinary look extraordinary? What kind of subject matter did the artist include in his work? What might have happened in this painting if three more things were added? What is dream like about this artwork? What eye-confusing artistic concept is being used in this painting?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use primary colors (red blue yellow) to fill in the positive space (eye) of the eye drawings
2. Use secondary colors (green purple orange) to fill in the positive space (eye) of the eye drawings
3. Use line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) to fill in the positive space (eye) of the Color Wheel Eyes

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Color Wheel Eyes for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (tempera paint, paint brushes, water bucket)

Lesson Activities

1. Add highlights (light source reflective light) to positive space (eye) of ones eye drawings
2. Add shadows (cast shadow, shadow) to negative space (background) of ones eye drawings
3. Use stop motion program (iMotion, FlipaClip, Stop Motion) to add animation to ones Color Wheel Eyes

Artist Examples

Student Examples