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Monday, October 22, 2018


Paul Cezanne Inspired Still Life

Learning Targets 

I can...
  • Create a Paul Cezanne Inspired Still Life using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use warm/cool colors (red orange yellow; green blue purple), geometric shapes (cylinder, sphere, cone), and line variation (outline, contour line, thin/thick) inspired by French Painter (1893-1906) Paul Cezanne
  • Use observational skills (overlapping, horizon line, inanimate objects) and design principles (composition, gradation, balance) based on the Post Impression Movement
  • Define Still Life (an arrangement of objects- fruits, flowers, bowls, glassware- used in a painting or drawing)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Still Life With Apples (1893-1894) Paul Cezanne
2. Read The World is An Apple: The Still Lifes of Paul Cezanne by Benedict Leca
3. Discussion Questions "Cezanne believed artists have the right to change objects shape, rearrange canvases, and tilt table tops that could not exist in nature. Like Cezanne, you can decide which items to include in your still life and where to place them. Consider adding folds in the drapery to show movement and blending different colors to show shadows or reflective light found in nature. He once said, "I am the beginning of the way I have discovered" understanding his painting style is the first step to understanding modern art"

Lesson Activties

1. Choose 12" by 15" Drawing Paper
2. Add three dimensional geometric shapes (cylinder, cone, sphere) to help arrange objects (glassware fruit bowls) 
3. Add an horizon line in the background to separate folded drapery and wall space 

  • Initials & Home Teacher on back of paper

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Paul Cezanne Inspired Still Lifes for Assigned Table
2. Still Life with Curtain and Flowered Pitcher (1899) Paul Cezanne
3. Discussion Questions "Do you see the distorted angles and rough shapes in his paintings? Which fruits do you see in the foreground (close to you) and which ones look good in the background? How can you add light to your apple so that it looks different? Do you want to experiment with light and shadow right on your computer screen? Can you make the shadows bigger and more interesting? How does light look inside and outside? How does it change? Where do you like it the best? Do you see how the light changes the color? Do you see the highlights and shadows?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use warm colors (red orange yellow) to fill in the subject matter (fruits bowl glassware)
2. Use cool colors (green blue purple) to fill in the background (wallpaper drapery table top)
3. Use texture plates to add designs (floral pattern, silk lace, hard wood) to tablecloth

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Paul Cezanne Inspired Still Life for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (oil pastels, erasers, pencils)

Lesson Activities

1.  Add highlights to subject matter (fruits bowls glassware) of still life
2. Add shadows to background (wallpaper drapery table top) of still life
3. Use clear finishing spray to cover the Paul Cezanne Inspired Still Lifes

Artist Examples      

Student Examples