Contrasting Printmaking Leaves
Learning Targets
I can...- Create an original Contrasting Printmaking Leaves using techniques learned in class
- Use shape (complex, simple), line variation (thick, thin, outline, contour), and complimentary colors (red, green; blue, orange; purple, yellow) inspired by British Sculptor (1956-Present) Andy Goldsworthy
- Use design principles (balance, composition, repetition) and printmaking techniques (etching, engraving, screen printing) based on Ecological Art
- Define Monoprint (form of printmaking where lines or images can only be made once)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
1. Sumach leaves laid around a hole (1998) Andy Goldsworthy2. Rowan Leaves laid around a hole, Yorkshire (1987) Andy Goldsworthy
3. Discussion Questions "Why do leaves change colors? What colors are they changing to? Which leaves are good for printing? When someone says leaf print in two colors, does it have to be separately? How can you make a background pattern using leaves? How many leaves do you see? How are they the same? How are they different? How do they feel? How many veins can you feel? What patterns do you see? If we paint the leaves to make a print, what part of the leaf do you think print the best? What do you see when you look at your print? What shapes do you see? What textures do you see? What parts stand out the most? Who would love this print?"
Lesson Activities
1. Choose One 8" by 11" Printmaking Paper2. Use pencils to draw simple shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle) and complex shapes (ellipse, parallelogram, hexagon) of leaves onto printmaking plates
3. Use wooden stylus to outline line variations (thick, thin, contour) of contrasting leaves
- Initials & Home Teacher on Back of Paper
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve Contrasting Printmaking Leaves for Assigned Table
2. Read Fletcher and the Falling Leaves by Julia Rawinson
3. Discussion Questions "What can you tell me about this picture? How do you think the artist came up with the idea for this picture? What do you like about this picture? What title would you give this picture? How do you think the artist was feeling when he made this picture? How do you hope people will feel when they look at this picture? How do your eye move through the artwork? What choices did the artist make to make that happen? What does this painting say about the world we live in? How might your interpretation of this artwork be different from someone in another culture? If you could ask this artwork a question, what would you ask?"
Lesson Activities
1. Use engraving tool to outline line variation (thick, thin, contour line) of leaf parts (stem, veins, twig)
2. Use complimentary colors (blue, orange; red, green; yellow, purple;) to fill in the positive space of the Contrasting Leaves
3. Use complimentary colors (blue, orange; red, green; yellow, purple) to fill in the negative space of the Contrasting Leaves
2. Set Up Studio Area (brayer, printmaking plate, speed ball ink)
2. Add highlights (reflective light, light source) to positive space of Contrasting Printmaking Leaves
3. Add shadows (cast shadow, shadow) to negative space of Contrasting Printmaking Leaves
2. Use complimentary colors (blue, orange; red, green; yellow, purple;) to fill in the positive space of the Contrasting Leaves
3. Use complimentary colors (blue, orange; red, green; yellow, purple) to fill in the negative space of the Contrasting Leaves
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve Contrasting Printmaking Leaves for Assigned Table2. Set Up Studio Area (brayer, printmaking plate, speed ball ink)
Lesson Activities
1. Use printmaking paper to print one monoprint of every complimentary color (blue, orange; red, green; yellow, purple) of Contrasting Leaves2. Add highlights (reflective light, light source) to positive space of Contrasting Printmaking Leaves
3. Add shadows (cast shadow, shadow) to negative space of Contrasting Printmaking Leaves