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Thursday, January 9, 2020


Robert Indiana Prints

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Robert Indiana Print using drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use complimentary colors (red, green; orange, blue; yellow, purple), geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square), and space (positive, negative) inspired by American Artist (1928-2018) Robert Indiana
  • Use printmaking techniques (stencil, mono print, relief) and design principles (balance, harmony, repetition) based on Pop Art Movements
  • Define Typography (style and appearance of print material)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Love (1966) Robert Indiana
2. Read Informational Book The Book of Love by Robert Indiana
3. Discussion Questions "What are symbols? Where do we see symbols everyday (restrooms, highway, road signs)? What does a heart symbolize? What does a light bulb symbolize? Why do we use symbols? Can letters become symbols? What artist gave us that idea? What do you notice about this sculpture? Does it make a word? What could the O be saying? Is the O a symbol of something? What do you like about this artwork? What do you dislike about this artwork? How do you feel about this artwork? What does your artwork remind you of?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12 X 12 Printing Paper
2. Use pencils to draw geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square) of letters onto printmaking plates
3. Use wooden stylus to outline line variations (thick, thin, contour) of positive letters

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Robert Indiana Print for Assigned Table
2. Hope (2009) Robert Indiana
3. Discussion Questions "How does Indiana comment on a culture of mass production? What process did Robert Indiana use to make this work? How doe Robert Indiana make a statement about contemporary culture? How does Robert Indiana share his idea? How does Robert Indiana use shape and color? Why do you think that Indiana chose the word "love" to sculpt? What subject does this sculpture represent? Does this sculpture have a strong presentation? How do you think it might look from different sides, angles, and lighting? What kinds of materials do you think the artist used? How does this sculpture relate to its environment? Does it blend in? Does it evoke a reaction?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use engraving tool to outline geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) of positive space (letters) of positive letters
2. Use complimentary colors (blue, orange; red, green; yellow, purple) to fill in the positive space (letters) of Robert Indiana Prints
2. Use complimentary colors (blue, orange; red, green; yellow, purple) to fill in the negative space (background) of Robert Indiana Prints

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Robert Indiana Print for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (brayer, printmaking plate, speed ball ink)

Lesson Activities

1. Use printmaking paper to print monoprint of every complimentary color (blue, orange; red, green; yellow, purple) of Positive Letters
2. Add highlights (reflective light, light source) of positive space of Robert Indiana Prints
3. Add shadows (cast shadow, shadow) to negative space of Robert Indiana Prints

Artist Examples

Student Examples