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Thursday, March 26, 2020


Auguste Herbin Abstract Art

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Auguste Herbin Abstract Art from drawing techniques learned in class
  • Use geometric shapes (circle, triangle, oval, rectangle), line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) and value (lightness, darkness) inspired by French Artist (1882-1960) Auguste Herbin 
  • Use art element: shape (geometric, organic, biomorphic) and design principles (movement, proportion, gradation) based on Abstract Art
  • Define Nonobjective (representing or intended to represent no natural or actual object, figure, or scene)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Oiseay (1882-1960) Auguste Herbin
2.  Read I Spy Shapes In Art by Lucy Micklethwait
3. Discussion Questions "Are you fluent in abstractions? Can you help decode this painting? What do you notice is different with the shapes, colors, and arrangement within this artwork? Is the white circle being weighted? Is the thin blue triangle balancing the white square and darker blue small circle? Can you see the piece of equipment each child was aiming to represent? What is the same and different about each picture? Could each block represent a letter? If so, which block represents which letter? Could there be one or more colors and group of shapes for each letter? Can you use the same ideas to pick out parts of this picture? What does the title of the piece suggest? Can you recognize possible representations for any other letters used in the title?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use three geometric shapes (circle, oval, rectangle) to represent a title (days, weeks, color) for ones abstract work
2. Use tints (white, grey, black) to fill in the positive space (geometric shape) for ones abstract work
3. Use tints (white, grey, black) to fill in the negative space (background) of ones Auguste Herbin Abstract Art

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Auguste Herbin Abstract Art for assigned table
2. Composition Rouge (1949) Auguste Herbin
3. Discussion Questions "What colors are being used in this artwork? Which area of the artwork is emphasized by the artist? Which are of the artwork is most important? How did the artist use space? How did the artist use balance? How did the artist use proportion? How would you describe this artwork to someone who has never seen it? What do we know about the artist after viewing this artwork? Who do you think this artwork was created for? Why do you say that? How do you think the artist feels about the final product? How do you think this artwork was made? Why do you think this artwork was made? Why do you think this artist created this work? What emotions do you notice in this artwork? What emotions do you feel when looking at this? How do you think the artist was feeling when he created this artwork? How did the artist use line, shape, and color to contribute to the mood or meaning? What title would you give this artwork?"

Lesson Activities

1. Add three different lines (diagonal, vertical, horizontal) to add visual interest within ones abstract work
2. Use colored construction paper to fill in the positive space (geometric shape) within ones abstract work
3. Use colored construction paper to fill in the negative space (background) within ones Auguste Herbin Abstract Art 

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Auguste Herbin Abstract Art for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (construction paper, paper cut outs, geometric shape templates)

Lesson Activities

1. Use black sharpie to draw three geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle) and line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) of ones abstract work
2. Use primary colors (red, yellow, blue) to fill in the positive shape (geometric shapes) of ones abstract work
3. Use primary colors (red, yellow, blue) to fill in the negative space (background) of ones Auguste Herbin Abstract Art

Artist Examples

Student Examples