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Friday, February 9, 2018


Kindergarten Klees

Learning Targets

I can...
  • Create a Kindergarten Klee using mixing techniques learned in class
  • Use line variation (intersecting horizontal vertical), geometric shapes (circle rectangle square), and color (warm colors complimentary colors) inspired by Swiss Artist (1879-1940) Paul Klee
  • Use color theory (color relation, mixing techniques, reflective schemes) and design principles (composition, contrast, placement) based on Abstract Art 
  • Define Portrait (a picture depicting the face, head, and shoulder)

Lesson One

Day One, Art Start

1. "Senecio" Head of A Man (1922) Paul Klee
2. Art With Mati And Dada- Paul Klee Kids Animated Short Stories
3. Critical Discussion Questions "What image do you see? What makes this portrait abstract or realistic? What shapes do you see when you observe "Senecio" by Paul Klee?"

Lesson Activities 

1. Choose One 12" by 15" White Paper
2. Use pencils to trace geometric shapes (circle, ellipse, rectangle, oval) onto white paper
3. Use Black Sharpie Marker to outline geometric shapes for Kindergarten Klees

  • Initials & Home Teacher on Back of Paper

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Kindergarten Klees for Assigned Table
2. The Life And Work of Paul Klee by Heinemann-Raintree
3. Portrait- a picture depicting the face, head, and shoulder. Famous Artist Quote "Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see" Paul Klee

Lesson Activities

1. Use brayers to roll orange ink over the 12" by 15" White Paper
2. Use chalk pastels to add warm colors (red orange yellow) to abstract portraits
3. Use chalk pastels to add highlights to Kindergarten Klees

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Kindergarten Klees for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (brayers, ink bottles, sponges)

Lesson Activities

1. Use chalk pastels to add shadows (cast shadow, reflective shadow) to abstract portraits 
2. Add texture to the negative space (background) of the abstract portraits
3. Use black oil pastels to outline positive space (portrait) of Kindergarten Klees

Artist Examples

Student Examples