House Silhouette Ink Painting
Learning Targets
I can...
- Create an original House Silhouette Ink Painting based on painting techniques learned in class
- Use analogous colors (pink red orange), line variation (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) and space (positive, negative) based on Catalan Architect (1852-1926) Antonio Gaudi
- Use drawing techniques (contour, perspective, outline) and design principles (composition, gradation, repetition) inspired by Spanish Art
- Define Silhouette (image of something represented in a solid color with edges matching outline of subject)
Lesson One
Day One, Art Start
1. La Sagrada Familia (1882) Antonio Gaudi
2. Read Building On Nature: The Life of Antoni Gaudi by Rachel Rodriguez
3. Discussion Questions "What was Antonio Gaudi's architecture style most influenced by? Where was Gaudi born? What inspired Gaudi's work? How long have people been working on La Sagrada Familia? How would you classify Antonio Gaudi's artistic style? What designs were included as advertisement in his buildings? What features of churches did Gaudi avoid? Was the park originally intended that anyone could live in the park? Which new material did he use to great effect on front of his buildings? Why did Antoni Gaudi become an architect? What art form did Antoni Gaudi create? What is considered to be the most famous of Antoni Gaudi's work?"
Lesson Activities
1. Use three geometric shapes (rectangle, square, triangle) to create a three dimensional silhouette house
2. Add house details (porch, chimney, window) to the roof, levels, and foundation of the silhouette house
3. Outline silhouette house with a neutral color (black, brown, grey) colored pencil, ink pen, or sharpie marker
- Initials & Home Teacher on Back of Paper
Day Two, Art Start
1. Retrieve House Silhouette Ink Painting for Assigned Table
2. Gaudi House Museum (1962) Antonio Gaudi
3. Discussion Questions "What do you see in this picture? What do you see in this house? What do you think Antonio Gaudi meant when creating this artwork? Does your picture have space or distance? Does your picture have a horizon line, one point perspective, or background? How can we create the illusion of depth within our own House Silhouette Ink Paintings? What do you think this artwork represents? Why are you drawn to this subject? What do you think was the most important artist tool when creating this work? What connections did the artist have to his work? Does this artwork represent something about the artist? Is there an element of the artwork you enjoy working with most?"
Lesson Activities
1. Add finishing details (porch, chimney, window) to roof, levels, and foundation of the silhouette house
2. Finish outlining house silhouette with a colored pencil, ink pen, or sharpie marker
3. Add motifs (onion domes, hidden faces, tiny windows, colorful spirals) to mimic Modern Architecture
Day Three, Art Start
1. Retrieve House Silhouette Ink Paintings for Assigned Table
2. Set Up Studio Area (water bucket, paintbrush, water color)
Lesson Activities
1. Finding adding motifs (onion dome, hidden faces, tiny windows, colorful spirals) to mimic Modern Architecture
2. Add color (monochromatic, analogous) to the silhouette of the house of the House Silhouette Ink Paintings
3. Add value (highlights, shadows) to the positive space (house) of the House Silhouette Ink Paintings