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Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 Scarab Sculptures

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Scarab Sculpture using sculpture techniques learned in class
  • Use line types (horizontal vertical diagonal), shape variation (geometric organic free form) and space (positive negative) inspired by Ancient Egypt
  • Use art element: form (composite simple grid) and design principles (composition balance proportion) based on Ancient Art
  • Define Scarab (an ancient Egyptian gem cut in the form of a beetle with wings and engraved hieroglyphs)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Scarab With Separate Wings (712-342) The Brooklyn Museum

2. Read The Scarab's Secret by Christina Balit

3. Discussion Questions "What is the common name for the Egyptian Scarab? What did the scarab beetle represent to the ancient Egyptians? What color was commonly used to paint scarab beetle amulets? To the Ancient Egyptians, what did the ball the scarab pushed represent? Which ancient Egyptian deity, one with a scarab's head, aided in the daily movement of the sun? In which of the following ways was a pectoral scarab typically used? What was the purpose of the ancient Egyptian scarab called the heart scarab? Which pharaoh, father of the famous Ikhnation, was known for issuing several types of commemorative scarabs? Was the scarab charm used only with the deathly in ancient Egypt? What is the meaning of the scarab?"

Lesson Activities 

1. Use modeling techniques (hand building forming shapes) to make three dimensional spheres for clay scarab

2. Use assemblages techniques (attaching slip/score smoothing) to connect the three main body parts (head thorax abdomen) of the clay scarab

3. Use addictive techniques (eyes balls long legs wings) to add additional parts to Scarab Sculptures

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Scarab Sculptures for Assigned Table

2. Winged Scarab Amulet (664-332) The Metropolitan Museum 

3. Discussion Questions "Why are insects fo colorful? Which insects is bigger, the male or female? What are some differences between insects? Why are insects symmetrical? What is the most important part of a painting? Why types of shapes can you use to break up your drawing? Which wing looks transparent like you are looking through the wing of an insect? What does the Scarab mean in Egypt? Why did the Egyptians worship scarab beetles? What was the Scarab Beetle used for? What color was a Scarab Beetle?"

Lesson Activities

1. Use assemblage techniques (attaching slip/score smoothing) to connect the details (eyeballs long legs wings) of the clay scarab

2. Add embellishments (beads rainbow wire buttons) to decorate the outside (bug) of the clay scarab

3. Add imprints (texture plates stamps) to outside (bug) of the Scarab Sculptures

Day Three, Art Start

1. Use analogous colors (red blue purple) to fill in the positive space (bug) of the Scarab Sculptures

2. Use analogous colors (red blue purple) to fill in the negative space (wings sun) of the Scarab Sculptures

3. Use metallic colors (gold silver bronze) to outline the line types (horizontal vertical diagonal) of the positive space (bug) of the Scarab Sculptures

Artist Examples

Student Examples