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Monday, January 4, 2021


 Watercolor Watermelon

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Watercolor Watermelon using painting techniques learned in class
  • Use color theory (warm colors, cool colors), line types (horizontal vertical diagonal), and space (positive negative) inspired by Mexican Painter (1907-1954) Frida Kahlo
  • Use drawing techniques (overlapping cropping layering) and design principles (composition repetition variation) based on Surrealism
  • Define Style (artist portrays subject matter and expressed visual elements through a work of art)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Viva La Vida, Watermelons (1954) Frida Kahlo

2. Read Viva La Vide! Long Live Life! by Carmen T. Bernier-Grand

3. Discussion Questions "What was Frida Kahlo's full birth name? Why did Frida Kahlo change her date of birth of her birth certificate? Why was Kahlo pretending to be three years younger? What was Frida Kahlo's nationality? Who or what is depicted in most of Frida's paintings? In what year did she join the Mexican Communist Party and fall in love with Diego Rivera? What was the first solo exhibition of Frida Kahlo's work held? Frida began her career as an artist after what? What was Frida and Diego's marriage often called? Who was Frida Kahlo? What are some of Frida Kahlo's most famous paintings? Do you have a favorite artist? What will you include in your artwork that represents what matters to you?"

Lesson Activities

1. Choose 12" X 15" Drawing Paper

2. Add three dimensional shapes (cylinder, pyramid, sphere) to composition of arranged fruit (watermelon) for watermelon drawings

3. Add horizon line in line background (table, fabric, wallpaper) to separate the subject matter from the wallpaper


  • Initials & Home Teacher on Back Of Paper

Day Two, Art Start

1.  Retrieve Watercolor Watermelon for Assigned Table

2. Still Life With Watermelons (1953) Frida Kahlo 

3. Discussion Questions "How have you used formal elements such as line, tone, color, and shape? What materials did you use and why? Did they work successfully? What meaning, theme, or message did you want to convey? Were you successful? Are you happy with your final piece? Are any elements or qualities you like in particular? Does your final work the way you thought it would initially? How effective is it? Is there anything you would change? What did we learn throughout this project? Did Frida Kahlo use paint? What kind of paint? What was the world like during her time? what type of failures did Frida Kahlo experience during her life? How do you think this affect her?"

Lesson Activities 

1. Use warm colors (red orange yellow) to fill in the positive space (fruit) of the watercolor watermelon

2. Use cool colors (blue green purple) to fill in the negative space (background) of the watercolor watermelon

3. Use painting tools (brayer, palette, paint brush) to add patterns (floral silk wood) to the Watercolor Watermelons

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Watercolor Watermelons for Assigned Table

2. Set Up Studio Area (tempera paint, water bucket, paint brushes)

Lesson Activities

1. Add highlights (reflective light, light source) to subject matter (fruit) of the watercolor watermelon

2. Add shadows (cast shadow, reflective shadow) to the negative shape (background) of the watercolor watermelon

3. Outline details (pattern floral objects) in foreground (fruit) and middle ground (fabric table) of Watercolor Watermelon

Artist Examples

Student Examples