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Sunday, August 1, 2021


 Eric Carle Inspired Caterpillars

Learning Targets

I can...

  • Create an original Eric Carle Inspired Caterpillar using sculpture techniques learned in class
  • Use analogous colors (orange yellow green), form (cylinder, cone, sphere), and texture (rough, smooth) inspired by American Author (1929-2021) Eric Carle
  • Use ceramic techniques (slip and score, hand building, pinch pot) and design principles (balance, proportion, repetition) based on Illustration
  •  Define Pattern (a design in which lines, shapes, forms, or colors are repeated)

Lesson One
Day One, Art Start

1. Caterpillar Lollipop (1985) Eric Carle

2. Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

3. Discussion Questions "Does he look happy? How do you think the artist made this caterpillar? Why do you think the caterpillar is so hungry? What do you notice that is different about this book? What do you know about caterpillars? How many things does he eat on Saturday? How many things is did he eat on Friday? Do pets change? How do trees change? Do people change? How have you changed? What foods would you eat if you were a caterpillar? Where would you fly if you were a butterfly?"

Lesson Activities 

1. Use modeling techniques (hand building forming shapes) to make three dimensional spheres for clay caterpillars

2. Use assemblage techniques (attaching slip and score smoothing) to connect the three main body parts (head thorax abdomen) of the clay caterpillars

3. Use addictive techniques (eye balls long legs antennas) to add additional parts to Eric Carle Inspired Caterpillars

Day Two, Art Start

1. Retrieve Eric Carle Inspired Caterpillars for Assigned Table

2. The Rainbow Caterpillar (1985) Eric Carle

3. Discussion Questions "Why are insects colorful? Which insects are bigger, the male or the female? What are some differences between insects? Why are insects symmetrical? What is the most important part of a sculpture? Why times of shapes can you use to break up your sculpture? Where do you think butterflies come from? Have you ever saw a caterpillar or touched a caterpillar? If you have touched one, how did it feel? What color caterpillars have you seen? Why do you think the caterpillar had a stomach ache? Do you think you would have a stomach ache if you ate that much food? What do you do when you have a stomachache? What made the caterpillar feel all better?" 

Lesson Activities

1. Use assemblage techniques (attaching slip and score smoothing) to connect the details (eyeballs long legs wings) of the clay caterpillars 

2. Add embellishments (beds wire buttons) to decorate the outside (bug) of the clay caterpillars

3. Add imprints (texture plates stamps carving) to the positive space (bug) of the Eric Carle Inspired Caterpillars

Day Three, Art Start

1. Retrieve Eric Carle Inspired Caterpillar for Assigned Table

2. Set Up Studio Area (paint brushes, modeling tools, air dry clay) 

Lesson Activities

1. Use analogous colors (green yellow orang) to fill in the positive space (bug) of the Clay Caterpillars

2. Use analogous colors (blue purple red) to fill in the negative space (background) of the clay caterpillars

3. Use metallic colors (gold silver bronze) to outline the line types (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) of the positive space (bug) of the Eric Carle Inspired Caterpillars

Artist Examples

Student Examples